I remember when I was in sixth grade everyone started dating, it meant absolutely nothing because I went to a chathilic school. I got called a lesbian because I didn't have a boyfriend.... And now I actually have a girlfriend..... Well they still shouldn't have called me a lesbian just because I wasn't dating
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Ooooookay.......lucky you! I'll go "cry" about how "unlucky" I am to not have been dating in primary school.
I swear where I live is like the only place where people don't actually start dating or even talking about crushes and shit until like 15/16. Everyone always goes on about their boyfriends in grade 6 and, yes even though they knew then and know now they weren't real and stuff I'm just like how? And why? Like yeah me and my friend might be like oh god he's hit but no one really does anything. Not even the 'OMG katie luuvs jack' shit in younger grades. Granted I do currently go to an all girls school and went to a tiny primary school
· 10 years ago
I go to an all boys......I know that feel, sister.
Kinda sucks now though. Now all the guys are at one school all the girls at another and I really don't have enough fucks to give about going out of my way to find someone. (Note to self, when school starts get friend to hook me up)
Same here. Probably has something to do with lack of attractiveness and persistent bags under my eyes. Well, those ARE the symptoms of FunSubstance, and I'd rather have FunSubstance than a girlfriend.
Wait, what the f**k did I just say?
The really disappointing part is that when I was in elementary school, everyone was dating.
I had a girlfriend for about a week until I came to my senses
I'm in grade seven and I want to puke every time one of my friends talks about dating. Everyone calls me a lesbian because of this but seriously we're all twelve calm your flat chest.
Wait, what the f**k did I just say?
I had a girlfriend for about a week until I came to my senses