Hi guys, Snowroll here with a briefing.
Don't worry about Guest, he's on all my posts. It's pretty funny, if you wanna check it out.
And yes, that's him downvoting me.
See, Guests operate on IP addresses. With multiple IP addresses, it's very easy for one person, acting as many Guests, to downvote something multiple (in my case, somewhere around 20) times without being traceable to one location.
With that in mind, PLEASE keep your space. I don't want him bothering any of you good folk.
That's all, just wanted to clear that up. Have a great day, and happy holidays!
Don't worry about Guest, he's on all my posts. It's pretty funny, if you wanna check it out.
And yes, that's him downvoting me.
See, Guests operate on IP addresses. With multiple IP addresses, it's very easy for one person, acting as many Guests, to downvote something multiple (in my case, somewhere around 20) times without being traceable to one location.
With that in mind, PLEASE keep your space. I don't want him bothering any of you good folk.
That's all, just wanted to clear that up. Have a great day, and happy holidays!
Hahaha jk I won't.
Confused Kiwi who only has Gladwrap