My black coworker (I'm white, and we're good friends btw) asked me if I've ever been fishing and I just looked at him... "Have you ever sold drugs?" We laughed and he said Yes and I said Yes as well. Then we laughed again.
The sickle cell anemia thing... It's a disease where your blood cells are less adept away holding O2, and for some reason, if you are a carrier for sickle cell, you're a more resistant to aids. So. There is a very disporportiate amount of Africans who have sickle cell because they got the disease instead of being a carrier, as it is a 25% chance of getting it if both your parents are carriers, and since environments with malaria present, like Africa, naturally select for people who are carriers, there are also a very disporportiate number of carriers. :)
So please don't thank me on my possible reason of death.