You think you have problems??? My name is NOWHERE and it's not even like an exotic name or anything... 1 letter ruins every chance of finding something with my name on in.. My name? Madisson... 2 s's
My name isn't anywhere either. Nowhere. People can't spell name or say it. I've had one teacher for over a year and they still say it wrong. I've given up and people just call me whatever name first comes to mind :) haha
· 10 years ago
My name is Naazneen. Not Nazreen. Naazneen. At this stage? Even my aunt can't spell it properly (Nasnin)
If I had a dollar for every time my name was spelled or pronounced wrong, I'd be pretty rich
· 10 years ago
I wonder if it counts for one person or just how many times. if just one person, it would be a lot.If it was just how many times in general, it would be soooooooo much more like
1. in 1st or 2nd (don't remember) a boy tried to tell me COUNTLESS times that I was saying AND spelling my name wrong. MY NAME. (He did Evony and it's Ebony)
2. My friend of 3-4 years now (and I just discovered this last year) had been saying and spelling my name wrong as "Eveny"
3. (All the mispronunciations of my name) Ebony (.E-Bony), Evony, Eveny, Efony, Eceny, Abony (oh god the worst one), Abadie, and many more
My name is Laura and I can't tell you the number of times people have called me Lauren. According to my mother, even the people at my doctor's office used to do it.
On the wrist band you get when you are born my little brother's second name was spelt wrong. Also my last name's Hennig. I've had it all: Henning, Hennick, Henig, Hennik,...
My friend's name is Alise and if someone reads it, then says it, the pronounce it 'Alice', but if they hear it then write it, they spell it 'Aleese' she absolutely hates it, it's kinda hilarious really
1. in 1st or 2nd (don't remember) a boy tried to tell me COUNTLESS times that I was saying AND spelling my name wrong. MY NAME. (He did Evony and it's Ebony)
2. My friend of 3-4 years now (and I just discovered this last year) had been saying and spelling my name wrong as "Eveny"
3. (All the mispronunciations of my name) Ebony (.E-Bony), Evony, Eveny, Efony, Eceny, Abony (oh god the worst one), Abadie, and many more