Huh. You know, maybe if she spent the money on less junk food and tattoos, she'd have enough to live the 'expensive' healthy lifestyle she so obviously needs.
in the UK, most people still refer to human weight using Stone and Pounds, KG is really only used in official documents n shit.
We still use Miles too.
You can go on a diet for really cheap! Rat poison is very inexpensive, and will prevent you from everovereating again! That's right, with just a bottle of rat poison, you can finally end your problems! Trust me!
The title is bullshit don't try and blame america for other countries having fat fucks too. Surprise mother fucker obesity is not exclusive to the states
The sad statr of affairs is that is is far too expensive to go to the local (even council) run swimming pools or gyms. She could start walking everywhere though, just startoff round the block etc. UUnfortunately when raising two children it really is cheaper to buy junk and fast food compared to fresh fruit and veg.
· 10 years ago
I make less than $20,000 a year buy still manage to stay pretty healthy. She's just being lazy
If she has enough money to buy Pop Tarts which are around £4, then she has enough money for a gym. There are enough gyms who offer day passes for only £5. She's just being lazy
I hate this whole "victim" mentality that is plaguing great countries like the USA, England, and Canada. THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD GIVE ME MONEY! THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD PAY FOR MY HEALTHCARE! THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD GIVE ME THINGS BECAUSE OF MY WEIGHT, RACE, RELIGION, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, UPBRINGING, ETC.!!! this is what's ruining us as a people
We still use Miles too.