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· 10 years ago
I love school, and I'm excited to go back after winter break finishes! Except, I'm missing the first day back for personal reasons. :(
· 10 years ago
School absolutely is the hardest part of our lives. We have yet to experience the real world and other things outside of school. "School is the easiest part of your life." Is only relevant if you're out of school because I for one have yet to experience anything else.
· 10 years ago
It's ok child, go back to your toy box now.
· 10 years ago
He seems Sanger than you right now
· 10 years ago
You get the point, though. The wording is just off.
· 10 years ago
I couldn't wait to get out now sometimes I wish I was back in.
· 10 years ago
Not college
· 10 years ago
Yeah but in saying that, school is where you are forced to learn the subjects and choose the subjects that are going to set you up for the rest of your life. It's not exactly a small decision.
· 10 years ago
School is hard. End of story.
· 10 years ago
School is so far, all the stress and hatred and popularity and all that other bull shit, is worsening my depression. How am I supposed to survive the "hard" part of life when I never make through the easy and just decide to end it?
· 10 years ago
School is just too much to handle. I've been damaged more mentally than physically
· 10 years ago
Students undergo WAY more stress then they should. And the stress itself actually makes it even harder than it already is. It's a vicious cycle.
· 10 years ago
But its so fucking boring!
· 10 years ago
Because the movies make life after school look so cool:(
· 10 years ago
Apparently the level of stress and anxiety that high school students experience is the same as a 1950s psychiatric patient.
· 10 years ago
What is it about the internet that brings all these bullshitters out of the woodwork?
· 10 years ago
school may not be the worst but it's very stressful at the time. You have to decide on the type of career you want when your like 14, go through exams and then more exams to try and get you into a university or at least on the right track, while possibly balancing a job. It may not seem stressful once you're past it, but at the time it's possibly the worst problem you have because you have yet to experience the struggle beyond it. Kids at my school have full mental breakdowns and make themselves sick because they get so stressed. The problem is that you get suddenly thrown in to a taste of adult life, not eased into it like you should be. They just pull the level and dump a bucket of pressure on you with no warning, and you haven't experienced the problems of adulthood to prepare for that. People say this generation are reckless and lazy and rely on technology too much but then tell us WE have to fix the problems in the world started by previous generations.
· 10 years ago
Sorry, school is easy? Because from what I remember school was a living nightmare but hey words of wisdom being an "adult" isn't harder, having an job isn't hard, nothing about being an adult other than bills is different. It's the same shit all over again with different people. Don't let some of the adults try to tell you your problems are less important.
· 10 years ago
Once you get to high school it is definitely not the easiest part of your life because once you graduate, you get to choose something that you are good at and do that while with school you are faced with massive amounts of stress to do well in things that you might be terrible at and chances are won't even use once you get out of school. -Wise advise from my English teacher
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Must be remedial.
· 10 years ago
Actually no. It's in an honors course in one of the best high schools in the US and everybody is getting at least a B
Edited 10 years ago
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· 10 years ago
Good Lord on a fucking pogo stick, that's depressing. You know, if I believed you.
· 10 years ago
How and why the fuck would I make that up and how is that depressing? What she said is completely accurate.
· 10 years ago
Give it a few years.
· 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Naw...I think kindergarden/preschool is. That's pretty much the last year without responsibilities.
· 10 years ago
Well, children´s problems are in fact really tiny and not important, in comaprison with our problems, but for them are their problems the most important and most complicated thing on the world. So school seems really hard for us, because we don´t know "the real adults" problems yet.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Telling people that they cant have problems because other people have worse problems is like telling people they can't be happy because others may be happier.
· 10 years ago
It's not like people are being told they can't have problems. They are being reminded that they should be grateful for what they have because others have it so much worse.
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· 10 years ago
Actually, I meant it that you may think, that school is the easiest part of life, because you experienced things, which are much harder than this. But for us is the school the hardest thing ever, because we didn ´t experienced harder things. I didn´t say that someone can´t have problems, because other people have it harder, it must have been missunderstanding. I just compared it to children, because I remeber when I was cca 7 and told my mother, that I have some problem with some friend (I don´t remember what it concretely was) and it was my biggest problem. And she told me, that she only wish to have her biggest problems as small as mine. I didn´t understand, because I didn´t know bigger problems, than these, but now I get it, why she told it.
· 10 years ago
So if a child at school was getting serverly bullied to suicidal point and when they went home they had abuse, does that make it a smaller and less important problem than an adults? If a child's problems shape them into the person they are gone be, aren't they a big deal? No they might not be as bad as some adults problems, but some adults problems might not be as bad as some kids problems. Just because you are an adult doesn't automatically make your problems worse.
· 10 years ago
Well, that´s a bit extremist and unfair - bullying is not normal problem to deal with, it´s problem that needs solution. I admit I thought not about bullying, but I thought we are talking about problems like exams, waking up, tests etc. Bullying is a problem, but I apologize, I won´t be talking about it deeper with you, because I wasn´t studying it´s problems and solutions enough. I agree with you, that some adults problems might not be as bad some kids problems, but I was talking about normal children problems, which I mentioned before.
· 10 years ago
Ok yes I know. But they're talking about school. And at school bullying is a major part of a lot of kids lives. It effects how they sleep and how they focus in class, and waking up for school and their normal problems like that.
· 10 years ago
Well, I wouldn´t say a lot of kids, but it probably depends on place where kids live. You´re right - when kid is bullied it really influence his life, but as I mentioned, I don´t feel like talking about bullying deeper, for mentioned reasons.