See this is why I hate to read Dear Abby, her mother was a lot better at this then her. In my opinion about the person's friends is they probably are becoming timid, approval seeking shells of their previous selves as she put it. They probably feel awkward in their own bodies. And many may be complementing them on it and saying how they look better but deep down what they are hearing is. "You looked awful but now look at you." And it can change a person I say give them time to find the new them and remind them of their former personalities. You should also express your feelings to them.
Or maybe lots of fat people are delusional and they act overly loud and boisterous to say "hey, my PERSONALITY is beautiful!!" and try to block out the world and their obvious negative condition with their loudness. The newly thin friends are probably quieter now because they are no longer delusional, as they no longer need to be. They have become quieter because they no longer feel the need to scream into people's faces that they are proud of who they are, and that their 'curves' are beautiful. Maybe it's time for our society to stop being so overly PC and maybe we should stop treating people with obvious health problems as heroes for refusing to conform to society by cutting back on the fourth big Mac.
Or maybe we can just stop seeing people as what they look like fat, or skinny, white, or black, religious, or atheist, rich, or poor, gay, or straight, OR any other way and look at how kind we are to one another and leave it at that. Because this illusion you have of "conform society" is unhealthy.
A big Mac may be what makes a person fat but it does not make them ugly.
A skinny waist may make you healthy but it does not make you pretty.
What makes you ugly is your black, cold heart.
What makes you pretty is the kindness that is so great it pours out of you in rivers.
Any man, woman or child is beautiful as long as there is love and kindness in their heart.
I see people as they are, whether they are fat, skinny, white, black, religious, atheist, rich, poor, gay,straight or any other way. You know why? Because it is a part of them and I refuse to ignore something that makes you who you are. That being said, it doesn't determine whether or not I'll be your friend. THAT comes down to personality.
I hate all this SJW stuff I've been seeing recently. I have plenty of friends that are a bit overweight, nothing too severe, but they all know that they are overweight. They don't try and be loud and obnoxious to make up for the most noticeable thing about them, which is also the one thing they don't have. But if anyone says anything you just see a shitstorm of people saying we should only see people for their personality and not give a care in the world about their health and well being, because "its their body, their choice." If my parents did exactly what most SJW's do now, I'd be 200 pounds overweight.
A big Mac may be what makes a person fat but it does not make them ugly.
A skinny waist may make you healthy but it does not make you pretty.
What makes you ugly is your black, cold heart.
What makes you pretty is the kindness that is so great it pours out of you in rivers.
Any man, woman or child is beautiful as long as there is love and kindness in their heart.