I've heard heating pads help. And massaging the uterine area.
· 10 years ago
That's what they all say.
Fun fact: people say girls on periods just say they want chocolate because they do, but chocolate has chemicals to reduce PMS symptoms. So technically chocolate can make us less of moody witches to you.
I see. So every guy should watch his girlfriend and his calendar carefully, and buy her her favorite chocolates at appropriate times? Also randomly to be sweet.
· 10 years ago
And that's what I'd show my boyfriend....IF I HAD ONE!!!!!
This reminds of the time this happened to me at school last year. I usually don't get cramps or period pains, which I guess makes me lucky, but this was one of the three times I really felt how crappy it can get. I had PE for two periods that day and was doing perfectly fine, until when class was almost at an end and the pain suddenly hit me. Dizzy and out of breath, I sat down, thinking it'll pass. When it didn't, I just thought "screw it; who cares if they see me like this" and lied down on one of the mats and curled into myself, trying to keep myself from throwing up. I had to be literally pulled out of the gym by the principal and the guidance counselor because I couldn't stand on my own. I threw up three times on the way and was sent to lie down on a couch (I just rolled around, whimpering and trying to breathe properly) while the principal called my dad to pick me up.
"Periods really can't be as bad as you girls make them up to be"?
Actually, yeah, they can. So stfu.
Fun fact: people say girls on periods just say they want chocolate because they do, but chocolate has chemicals to reduce PMS symptoms. So technically chocolate can make us less of moody witches to you.
I'm with howaboutnope. .....
She got da booty.
Don't ask me why I thought of that.
that's the way I like to .....
Eat fudge on my period???
"Periods really can't be as bad as you girls make them up to be"?
Actually, yeah, they can. So stfu.