I didn't say that there's only one right way, I know you Americans like to do things your own way. Even though there is an international standard form. I'm just happy too see it be written this way.
I agree. Month/Day/Year makes more sense because that's how it should be said.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
It just depends on where you're from. I normally write it Month/Day/Year, but I'm required to write it Day/Month/Year for Spanish. So really, it just depends on your preference and what you're used to.
I know that it's different depending where you're from. I just put that because of Norwegiangirl to show that it's different. There's no one right way :p
April 23rd, 2007 instead of
23rd of April, 2007
@mmrsparklez thats how you write the date in Australia