You think that is bad there was once a father and son that drowned in a septic tank. For those that don't know what a septic tank is. It is a large cement tub that collects every thing you flush down the toilet.
I hope when I die Morgan freeman narrates my death
· 10 years ago
"And then, as her lungs filled up with cool, blue liquid of the deep, Jenna cast her eyes up towards the surface. She knew that her task in life was complete, and this was an ideal way to go for her. So as she closed her eyes for the last time, I like to think that the very last thing that went through her head was 'Man. I can't believe Morgan Freeman actually agreed to this.'"
The bad part is that breathing is a reflex action, so even if you're underwater, at a time you will try to breathe. Then your lungs will be filled with water which, I believe, is really hurtfull!
· 10 years ago
I think being crushed would be worse. Especially if you could see it happening.
I agree that this is not how I would want to go, when I almost drowned as a child, my lungs filled with water, and I could see the surface but couldn't get to it. That's last on my list, but along this topic...I took a capital punishment course in law school (hence the esq in my name), and we discussed the least painful ways to die or put someone to death. The general answer is nitrogen asphyxiation is the least painful way to kill someone. The idea is similar to the gas chamber, only instead of poison gas, it's nitrogen gas. The person doesn't realize that they aren't breathing oxygen, and in eventually just pass out and die. Its supposed to be virtually painless, and preserves all the dignity of the individual. Drowning is along this idea, but when you start to drown, your lungs fill with water, which can be painful (I recall from experience). Here's a source:
· 10 years ago
I think it would be worse to be killed to death (anyone get it?)
This is going to sound weird, but I've always been afraid of dying while I'm in the bathroom. Every time I go in to do my business or shower, I imagine my heart suddenly stopping, leaving me there, half/fully-naked for my family to find later when they've broken down the door after frantically calling my name and receiving silence in return. It's dumb, I know. Probably unlikely too. So why am I so worried about this?
· 10 years ago
To be honest I'd love to die naked sounds like a good way to go
But who wouldn't ?