And it also depends on which school you're at. I did 'vrije school' and what normal schools call 'groep 3' (which is I think 1st grade in America) we say 'eerste klas' (1st grade) and so on. If you go to a "vrije" middle school you count further (after 6e klas you go to middle school and your fist year there is called 7e klas) but if you go to a normal school you start counting again. I went from a vrije school to a normal middle school and the first year I was so confused because my classmates were talking about groep 5 which was klas 3 in my head
(Sorry if this didn't made any sense)
· 10 years ago
Do you expect us not to believe there were drugs involved in France's school system?
If you finish High school, you ARE a terminator. If done the way your teachers/parents say, you have succesfully terminated your dreams, passion, hope and creativity :(
Here it goes: kindergarden (2-5) then primary school (1-7 GRADE) and then high school (1-5 YEAR). Last year primary can also be first year high school (making it 6 years each) depending on if you go to school inside or outside the capital city's limits
Ireland is kinda confusing, you start in "junior infants" then "senior infants" then "1st class" 2nd/3rd/.../6th class and then you leave primary school at 12/13 and go to secondary school which goes from 1st year to 6th year
The Netherlands uses this system:
4 y/o 1st
5 y/o 2nd
6 y/o 3d
7 y/o 4th
8 y/o 5th
9 y/o 6th
10 y/o 7th
11 y/o 8th
After 'group' 8 you go to a school that fits your capabilities. (It's determined by several tests and what your teacher thinks you can handle)
The amount of years on that school is 4 to 6 depending on the level.
And after that you go to either university (if you did the highest level) or to ROC (something lower than uni?
VWO is the highest level and afterwards you can go to any university you like, it is a 6 year course
HAVO is 2nd with the 5 year course, and you go to HBO, but if you want to go to uni, you will have to do 2 years extra high school VWO to go to uni
MAVO/GTL is 4 years and afterwards you go to MBO and thats a whole other system Xp
· 10 years ago
Australian system:
(Please note, the "Age" is how old most students are when they start the year, i.e. start Year 12 at age 17, graduate at age 18)
Kindergarten: Ages 3-4
BELOW HERE: Primary School
Prep: Age 5
Grade 1: Age 6
Grade 2: Age 7
Grade 3: Age 8
Grade 4: Age 9
Grade 5: Age 10
Grade 6: Age 11
BELOW HERE: High School
Year 7: Age 12
Year 8: Age 13
Year 9: Age 14
Year 10: Age 15
Year 11: Age 16
Year 12: Age 17
Spain's system:
1 Primary School (5-6 y/o)
2 Primary School
3 Primary School
4 Primary School
5 Primary School
6 Primary School
1 Secondary School (11-12 y/o)
2 Secondary School
3 Secondary School
4 Secondary School
1 Bachillerato
2 Bachillerato (17-18 y/o)
Though it's going to change soon :)
The Government is trying to improve it. Bachillerato is really tough and they think adding a new year of bachillerato will make it less stressful. In those two years you study all the things you may need to access to university. When 2 Bachillerato is finished, you have to do a difficult exam to access to university. Depending on the grade you get, you are able to study some degrees (or not). For example: medicine requires a very high grade. So maybe if we do 3 years of Bachillerato we'll have more time to study for that exam :)
· 10 years ago
Wow, that actually sounds really good! Lucky you :)
In Norway we have 1-10, and then 1-3 again, and then university. But we have the same system as in Switzerland where after year 10, you can choose a school where you work with a profession in mind, preparing you for that. Then you have 2 years of school, and 2 years as an apprentice.
(Sorry if this didn't made any sense)
*leaving school building for the last time* *puts on sunglasses* hasta la vista baby
* this time you are terminated hasta la vista baby*
Years 12&13 are lower and upper 6th. Just checked with my niece.... there is no year 14
4 y/o 1st
5 y/o 2nd
6 y/o 3d
7 y/o 4th
8 y/o 5th
9 y/o 6th
10 y/o 7th
11 y/o 8th
After 'group' 8 you go to a school that fits your capabilities. (It's determined by several tests and what your teacher thinks you can handle)
The amount of years on that school is 4 to 6 depending on the level.
And after that you go to either university (if you did the highest level) or to ROC (something lower than uni?
HAVO is 2nd with the 5 year course, and you go to HBO, but if you want to go to uni, you will have to do 2 years extra high school VWO to go to uni
MAVO/GTL is 4 years and afterwards you go to MBO and thats a whole other system Xp
(Please note, the "Age" is how old most students are when they start the year, i.e. start Year 12 at age 17, graduate at age 18)
Kindergarten: Ages 3-4
BELOW HERE: Primary School
Prep: Age 5
Grade 1: Age 6
Grade 2: Age 7
Grade 3: Age 8
Grade 4: Age 9
Grade 5: Age 10
Grade 6: Age 11
BELOW HERE: High School
Year 7: Age 12
Year 8: Age 13
Year 9: Age 14
Year 10: Age 15
Year 11: Age 16
Year 12: Age 17
1 Primary School (5-6 y/o)
2 Primary School
3 Primary School
4 Primary School
5 Primary School
6 Primary School
1 Secondary School (11-12 y/o)
2 Secondary School
3 Secondary School
4 Secondary School
1 Bachillerato
2 Bachillerato (17-18 y/o)
Though it's going to change soon :)
Prep (5-6)
Grade 1 (6-7)
Grade 2 (7-8)
Grade 3 (8-9)
Grade 4 (9-10)
Grade 5 (10-11)
Grade 6 (11-12)
Year 7 (12-13)
Year 8 (13-14)
Year 9 (14-15)
Year 10 (15-16)
Year 11 (16-17)
Year 12 (17-18)