Sentences containing "might", "probably", or talking about a distant future, are not facts. Every single sentence on this is a piece of shit coming from people who do not understand shit about science. (Except the third one, that is more of a joke.)
To not keep all our eggs on one basket.
It would only take one one unpredictable blind side* and poof that's it. Earth & Humanity could be at the absolute luckiest best, a faintly amusing footnote in a future Xenoarcheology text.
* the sun causes a blind spot when it comes to early detection of comets and asteroids that reduces long period fast mover early detection from years and months to weeks and days. Not that that matters, we presently have no impact deterrence system in place. At all.
Why are the dinosaurs extinct?
Because they had no space program.
So instead of keeping all our eggs in one basket, we keep some in the basket, and some in a frozen lifeless hell-scape?
If survival is our main concern we should be funding research to separate our selves from biology, not space travel/colonization.
Also your dinosaur explanation is flawed because our ancestors were there too, and obviously survived.
If you are just looking to save the human race in case of an apocalypse go to a far away planet. One that orbits around a red dwarf. They are going to keep burning for twice as long as our sun.
Also Earth could harbor life to the moment the sun dies if the people that live here would smarten up and stop pushing all this carbon/methane into the air
Your point about environmentalism notwithstanding, the Earth will become uninhabitable long before the sun dies.
In about 5.4 billion years, our sun will enter the red giant phase of its life but heating prior to this will burn off all the water from Earth and burn it to to a crisp. After spending about a billion years as a red giant, it will collapse down to a white dwarf where it will slowly cool over the course of several trillion years before going black.
But then again, that's not consitering an extremely unlikely stellar collision or ejection of our system during the Andromeda/Milky Way collision in 4 billiion years.
Yes, something exciting happened. Several somethings in fact, the discovery of KBO's.
Quaoar and its moon Weywot; Sedna; Makemake; Haumea and its moons Hi'iaka and Namaka; Orcus and its moon Vanth; The as yet named 2007 OR10; and most notably (the more massive than Pluto) Eris and its moon Dysnomia called into question the lack of a definition for planet. This forced the IAU's hand and got them off thier ass on the matter.
Our system would otherwise have 17 planets, because you then also have to include Ceres in the asteroid belt because it too, is more massive than Pluto.
I think that there are humans on other planets. But they're way more advanced than us and well, way happier and peaceful. They don't want to interact with us because... we suck! :/ Look at us. Look at our world. We're greedy, violent, selfish and just plain unstable. What kind of life would want us fucking up their planet?
I hate to be picky, but...
The galaxy wasn't named after cows milk. If only it was that innocent.......
The story runs that the bright strip of stars we see each night is the result of a big squirt of milk from the titties of the Greek goddess Hera, who was the mother of all gods.
It's real titty milk, and not the stuff you pour on your cereal each day.
Sorry about that.
Hopefully Hera is too, and she'll clean up her mess sometime soon.
It would only take one one unpredictable blind side* and poof that's it. Earth & Humanity could be at the absolute luckiest best, a faintly amusing footnote in a future Xenoarcheology text.
* the sun causes a blind spot when it comes to early detection of comets and asteroids that reduces long period fast mover early detection from years and months to weeks and days. Not that that matters, we presently have no impact deterrence system in place. At all.
Why are the dinosaurs extinct?
Because they had no space program.
If survival is our main concern we should be funding research to separate our selves from biology, not space travel/colonization.
Also your dinosaur explanation is flawed because our ancestors were there too, and obviously survived.
Also Earth could harbor life to the moment the sun dies if the people that live here would smarten up and stop pushing all this carbon/methane into the air
In about 5.4 billion years, our sun will enter the red giant phase of its life but heating prior to this will burn off all the water from Earth and burn it to to a crisp. After spending about a billion years as a red giant, it will collapse down to a white dwarf where it will slowly cool over the course of several trillion years before going black.
But then again, that's not consitering an extremely unlikely stellar collision or ejection of our system during the Andromeda/Milky Way collision in 4 billiion years.
Quaoar and its moon Weywot; Sedna; Makemake; Haumea and its moons Hi'iaka and Namaka; Orcus and its moon Vanth; The as yet named 2007 OR10; and most notably (the more massive than Pluto) Eris and its moon Dysnomia called into question the lack of a definition for planet. This forced the IAU's hand and got them off thier ass on the matter.
Our system would otherwise have 17 planets, because you then also have to include Ceres in the asteroid belt because it too, is more massive than Pluto.
*chews on raw salt in defiance*
The galaxy wasn't named after cows milk. If only it was that innocent.......
The story runs that the bright strip of stars we see each night is the result of a big squirt of milk from the titties of the Greek goddess Hera, who was the mother of all gods.
It's real titty milk, and not the stuff you pour on your cereal each day.
Sorry about that.
Hopefully Hera is too, and she'll clean up her mess sometime soon.