So it's not positive towards bigots? Is it simply because they won't reproduce? What about sterile couples or elderly couples? Are you going to keep them from marrying?
What sanctity of marriage? What you're defining as "sanctity" is just tradition. I assume you Jesus a bit because of your word choice, so that's what I'll argue. If you actually really Jesus'd and interwebbed around for facts, you'll find that Jesus says nothing against gays but says everything for love and acceptance. Only Paul says stuff against gays, and that's gay sex not being gay or gay marriage. IIRC, it's Catholic definition that one must have sex to complete the marriage because the couple are the ministers of the Sacrament. I don't ever remember Jesus or Bible stating that. Also, we have to take the anti-gay stuff into context. I'm probably remembering this wrong, but I thought that Paul was referring to male prostitutes (and prostitution in general) and for men to not be or hire MPs. Not actual marriage, but against prostitution.
As a regularly practicing Catholic, I'll say one thing: You are welcome to come to me with your (unaccepting and judgmental, which the Bible is very against) opinion as soon as you equally belittle anyone with tattoos (Leviticus 19:28), refuse to wear any materials made of a blend of products (Leviticus 19:19), judge others harshly for their divorces (Mark 10:9), and discriminate against both men who have had their genetalia surgically removed (Deuteronomy 23:1) and women who wear things like gold and pearls (1 Timothy 2:9).
If you're going to preach the Bible, you preach the whole thing. There is no option to choose which verses you prefer most to force upon those around you.
Jacky, your argument would be better if you didn't quote the Old Testament laws, especially from Leviticus because it's kinda notorious for being restrictive and all whatnot. IIRC, this is to show that these people are God's chosen by giving up certain things like tattoos.
I still agree with you though.
I also believe (I wasn't taught this, it's just my extrapolation from what I have learned) that 1 Tim 2:9 says what it says because it doesn't want people to become vain and put God in second place.
All things in their proper context.
· 10 years ago
Okay thank you for your insight! I have not read the whole bible (I've been meaning to, it's just really complicated to get into, yaknow?) and I also was not as clear on the Old Testament vs. New Testament stuff as I would have liked to have been, so thanks :)
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If you're going to preach the Bible, you preach the whole thing. There is no option to choose which verses you prefer most to force upon those around you.
I still agree with you though.
I also believe (I wasn't taught this, it's just my extrapolation from what I have learned) that 1 Tim 2:9 says what it says because it doesn't want people to become vain and put God in second place.
All things in their proper context.