This is such a stupid argument. What about the terrorists beliefs makes them not Muslim? There are tons of different faction of Christianity who can't agree on stuff, but they're still considered Christians, yet these terrorists are somehow not Muslims because they're violent? Idiots.
· 10 years ago
Before you start throwing insults, you should study a little. It is forbidden in Islam to kill innocent people, declare war on a peaceful population, kill women or children even during war, kill with fire, or attack the enemy on anywhere but the battlefield. These terrorists do not follow these rules. God only knows if they even pray regularly or fast! They are barbaric and are not considered Muslim, not only because they disgrace the name of Muslims worldwide but because they choose to twist the peaceful teachings of Islam into a violent ideology. This isn't about "agreeing/disagreeing on stuff". Islam has schools of thought for that. This is about completely going AGAINST God, despite what they yell when they murder, and tainting the view of Islam.
No true Scotsman fallacy. We all know there are a bunch of sects/denominations/variants of Islam, like for most religions. And each of them think they got it right. These terrorists think they understand Islam better than alex1234. They would think that alex is not really a Muslim because he doesn't destroy the unbeliever. My point here: let's not talk about labels, let's talk about facts. These terrorists claim to be Muslim, kill for Allah, and whether they fast or not isn't going to change that. They are motivated by their religion. Are they extremists? Sure, in the sense that they read what's written in their book instead of cherry-picking.
The religion of peace isn't non-violent. the word "peace" in that context has more a meaning of "uniformity under one law".
So you took a question and answer from a website that of course, labels Islam as a violent religion. Well done. How about next time you take a question and answer from a website that has extensive knowledge and an unbiased view on Islam to prove your facts. Yes, there are some verses in the Qur'an talking about war against the unbelievers, but if you had any understanding of the subject you would know that God isn't commanding the Muslims of this time to fight. He is speaking directly to the Muslims 1400 years ago when they were being oppressed and persecuted. Understanding the Qur'an is itself an entire subject in Islam and is very vast. But please, by all means, keep copying stuff from the Internet and pasting it here. These terrorists can call me whatever they want. I really don't care. I choose, like so many other Muslims, to follow my religion by studying it correctly and choosing the only route -- the peaceful route.
· 10 years ago
A tiny minority of the 1 billion Muslims are terrorists and yet somehow this cannot escape people's minds, in that the whole religion is suddenly a violent ideology. Has it ever occurred to you that Muslims are persecuted themselves? More than non-Muslims, in fact? Just last week a young Jordanian Muslim man was burnt alive by the ISIS. We Muslims aren't on their side. There is a fine line between Islam and whatever the hell they think they follow. Every Islamic scholar in the world can testify to what I'm saying right now. Every Islamic scholar can tell you that Muslims can, have and already do live in harmony with non-Muslims. You want proof? Travel to the Middle East. I've been around to Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and even Palestine and have heard hundreds of testimonies that Christians and Jews living there are happy. Now it's time for you to the face the facts. Because I will not be called a terrorist and I will never allow my religion to be slandered falsely.
"I choose, like so many other Muslims, to follow my religion by studying it correctly and choosing the only route -- the peaceful route."
You think your routs is right, they think theirs is. Maybe one is more true to the book, but that's never stopped Protestants and Mennonites from considering themselves to be Christians.
"There is a fine line between Islam and whatever the hell they think they follow. Every Islamic scholar in the world can testify to what I'm saying right now."
Not according to them, And they've probably got a few scholars of their own.
"Every Islamic scholar can tell you that Muslims can, have and already do live in harmony with non-Muslims."
And some don't.
"Now it's time for you to the face the facts."
What facts?
· 10 years ago
@garlog: Clearly it is pointless arguing over the Internet. Let's just leave it at this, and go our separate ways. A truce, if you will? I understand you may have some animosity towards Muslims or maybe religion in general. I'm not going to try to convince you nor will I judge you based on your opinion about religion or beliefs, for that matter. You might be a really nice and funny person, and I hope you are because we'd get along really well. We will all die one day and face the truth, whatever that may be. But for now, let's let it go and move on.
Yeah, all right. I'm good with agreeing to disagree.
I don't really have anything against religion, but I've never been religious, so looking at this from outside like this I don't really see either side as being more "legitimate", but I can certainly see how someone would wouldn't want their religion associated with terrorists. But from my perspective, both sides are just people who say they're Muslims and do Muslim-y stuff. That said I'd certainly prefer it if your side was right, assuming there is a right side.
The religion of peace isn't non-violent. the word "peace" in that context has more a meaning of "uniformity under one law".
You think your routs is right, they think theirs is. Maybe one is more true to the book, but that's never stopped Protestants and Mennonites from considering themselves to be Christians.
"There is a fine line between Islam and whatever the hell they think they follow. Every Islamic scholar in the world can testify to what I'm saying right now."
Not according to them, And they've probably got a few scholars of their own.
"Every Islamic scholar can tell you that Muslims can, have and already do live in harmony with non-Muslims."
And some don't.
"Now it's time for you to the face the facts."
What facts?
I don't really have anything against religion, but I've never been religious, so looking at this from outside like this I don't really see either side as being more "legitimate", but I can certainly see how someone would wouldn't want their religion associated with terrorists. But from my perspective, both sides are just people who say they're Muslims and do Muslim-y stuff. That said I'd certainly prefer it if your side was right, assuming there is a right side.