I can only imagine how dramatic it will be when he finally eats it.
*three months from now*
He sits in a traffic jam, in tears after the most gruelling day this year. With trembling hands he opens the glove compartment and pulls out a plastic test tube with a single cheeto in it.
" So... it has finally come to this.." he wispers softly to himself, " just this once... just today... I just need..." The words trail off as he takes out the cheeto. He holds it between thumb and forfinger, feels its texture, watches as it turn the tips of his fingers orange.
He closes his eyes and drowns out the sound of traffic before a soft crunch breaks the silence. A crunch that should have been louder, but after three months of oxidising it's the best the cheeto could do.
It's disgusting and he hangs his head in misery.
Plot twist- That soft crunch he heard was his front bumper crushing the trunk of the car in front of him, throwing him into a downward spiral of traffic courts, insurance rate hikes and Cheeto Addiction counselling classes.
*three months from now*
He sits in a traffic jam, in tears after the most gruelling day this year. With trembling hands he opens the glove compartment and pulls out a plastic test tube with a single cheeto in it.
" So... it has finally come to this.." he wispers softly to himself, " just this once... just today... I just need..." The words trail off as he takes out the cheeto. He holds it between thumb and forfinger, feels its texture, watches as it turn the tips of his fingers orange.
He closes his eyes and drowns out the sound of traffic before a soft crunch breaks the silence. A crunch that should have been louder, but after three months of oxidising it's the best the cheeto could do.
It's disgusting and he hangs his head in misery.
If you got nothing nice to say don't say it