Porn can actually be very harmful mentally/emotionally and even physically.
· 10 years ago
I don't care about "normal" porn but if it's child porn or porn that teaches wrong facts about women (ex: women secretly enjoy being raped etc) + if a child watches it and gets the wrong image of how to treat women
that's bad
I don't mind if my boyfriend watches porn, but then I just feel like I'm not doing enough for him. I'd rather him think of me like that than watch some video.
I don't know why changetheworld got downvoted, he's right. Especially if it leads to porn addiction which, incidentally, very easily does. And many people won't acknowledge that they have an addiction, let alone realize there is one. There is absolutely NOTHING healthy about pornography.
Thanks guest :) People can disagree with me all they want, but that doesn't mean I am wrong. There have been a lot of studies about porn, and it is very unhealthy individually and for relationships. It is an accepted fact in mental health community. And guest is right - porn addiction happens to people very easily, and is a huge issue.
An addiction can come of anything, but some addictions cause more harm than others - and porn is one of the more serious addictions. My addiction to chapstick doesn't really compare.
ALSO, I think it is VERY important to note that this man is being deceptive, or at the very least keeping a secret from his wife. If you feel like you have to hide what you are doing (and hide it from the person you love most in the world), do you really think you should be doing it? Clearly, that is a problem. (note: I know some people are open about it in their relationships - I'm not talking about them at the moment).
that's bad