I came up with the same thing before seeing the answer because I wanted to figure it out on my own. So you're right, pretty obvious indeed.
Anyone else?
Doesn't matter. The whole point was to find a solution, but that solution didn't necessarily have to come from one of the choices. It's about problem solving via using all resources, not just the obvious options.
Well all is good with that answer except for.. What if that dream girl of his didn't think he was the dream guy she's been hoping for? Now she's waiting with someone who she's not too entirely impressed with.. I'd say give the keys to the friend or his dream girl and then wait with the old lady who could tell him stories about her life or other things that you'd both get a kick out of.
Or you could answer: "Give the keys to the old lady with the friend as passenger, the old lady will die at the wheel, and the friend will die too. You no longer have any debts to him. Stay behind with the woman/man of your dreams."
well, for out of the box thinking there could maybe be pointed out that you can leave the car or something because when I stumble upon some surreal rules like "there can only be one passenger in your car", I tend to assume it has to be you driving or that you're glued to the car seat or that your phone doesn't work so you could call for help.
anway, why not ask the love of your life for a phone number, then drive the dying lady to the hospital and hope that your friend doesn't die from a few drops of rain??
Anyone else?
What, is purple not a good colour for her sheets?
anway, why not ask the love of your life for a phone number, then drive the dying lady to the hospital and hope that your friend doesn't die from a few drops of rain??