I suppose, but it also depends heavily on the difference in accuracy between controllers and mouse/keyboard. For shooting games, a skilled player with a mouse is more accurate than a skilled player with a controller.
· 10 years ago
Why aren't we funding this?
Because consoles are all equal. PC is most powerful, yes, but it doesn't have the easiness of same-room multiplayer. PS4 and Xbox One are basically the same aside from microscopic technical specification differences. And the Wii U is the only platform for the undoubtedly incredible Nintendo games.
· 10 years ago
I've actually tried some prototype stuff with unity, (same code but two different projects [one for pc and one for console]) and then wiring up the two games to the same server. Problem is, I didn't have a server. Also, the game sucked anyways so I deleted it.
For those wondering, here's the reason this isn't, and will never be a thing:
On Consoles you use a controller, on PC you use a mouse/keyboard.
A typical controller has 4 directional buttons, 4 utility buttons, 4 back triggers, and 2 joysticks.
A typical keyboard has 4 directional buttons, 0 back triggers, a mouse instead of a joystick (more accurate) and 70 utility buttons. All of that is then multiplied by 6 for Ctrl/Alt/Shift modifiers.
FPS games are not viable because the mouse is far more accurate than a joystick.
RPG/ARPG/MMORPG games are not viable because the PC has 406 more buttons for use as keybinds than a controller.
Puzzle games are not viable competitively because, in a first person setting, such as portal, Mouse has higher turn accuracy, and in a classic 2D setting, such as Prof. Layton, mouse has the upperhand again.
RTS games are not viable because again, PC controls have a vast upper hand
Turn Based Strategies are not viable for the same reason.
Makes me wonder why consoles even exist anymore, let alone why people bother playing them. Literally everything is better on PC except for price range and console exclusive titles not being available.
· 10 years ago
I only use consoles because they are cheaper. I just don't have $1500 to spend on a gaming PC. Someday, I will, and when I do I will buy one. But I don't mind consoles - I can play with my brothers and friends in the same room.
Because consoles are all equal. PC is most powerful, yes, but it doesn't have the easiness of same-room multiplayer. PS4 and Xbox One are basically the same aside from microscopic technical specification differences. And the Wii U is the only platform for the undoubtedly incredible Nintendo games.
On Consoles you use a controller, on PC you use a mouse/keyboard.
A typical controller has 4 directional buttons, 4 utility buttons, 4 back triggers, and 2 joysticks.
A typical keyboard has 4 directional buttons, 0 back triggers, a mouse instead of a joystick (more accurate) and 70 utility buttons. All of that is then multiplied by 6 for Ctrl/Alt/Shift modifiers.
FPS games are not viable because the mouse is far more accurate than a joystick.
RPG/ARPG/MMORPG games are not viable because the PC has 406 more buttons for use as keybinds than a controller.
Puzzle games are not viable competitively because, in a first person setting, such as portal, Mouse has higher turn accuracy, and in a classic 2D setting, such as Prof. Layton, mouse has the upperhand again.
RTS games are not viable because again, PC controls have a vast upper hand
Turn Based Strategies are not viable for the same reason.
Also the Nintendo 3DS is just marvellous