Similar to super villains. In the "Deadpool kills the marvel universe", Taskmaster finally decides to attack deadpool because he killed the power pack, a group of kid super heroes.
Yeah my cousins that went to prison for other charges said that in prison rapists and pedophiles are the most hated, some prisons even have to have a specific area for sexual offenders in order to protect them from the other inmates because this (if not worse stuff) has happened on multiple occasions
· 10 years ago
Katie had a great uncle!
· 10 years ago
Just to clarify to all you dislikers, Katie's uncle was inmates with the killer. It was him that let the other inmates know about the heinous crimes which earned the killer this tattoo.
He even said he accepted the tattoo himself because they promised not to harass him anymore. That's disgusting, You are all thinking you are doing the right thing but no you are not. Accepting this as an ordinary event is wrong. Oh fucking humanity. He is denied of any humane contact for the rest of his miserable life. He cannot see his family (if he had any), the society hates him. he cannot enjoy anything in his life. You branded him too. And that's not enough, you cannot even muster a little human love from the bottom of your hearts. a little compassion. Nothing, not a single thing??? How can it be, you do not have a heart??? Anything??? just down votes?? You are helpless, I know many of you are religious (and I am not) but please for the love of god and whatever is good in this world, a drop of compassion and forgiveness. Please... You are just breaking my heart. It is easy I can say I hate this guy,
I can say he deserved to be killed. and he deserves it yes he deserves it so that he can get away from this world. He did a bad thing but they didn't kill him. Why didn't they. I just want you to show a little compassion. Is it a hard thing to ask. On our short life we have to make a lot of decisions. Maybe one of them is like this one. You think it is okay to torture him to drive him to kill himself? You couldn't kill him yourself so you want him to commit that too. Getting likes is easy, but please do not do anything just for accumulating likes and votes. Be brave enough to defend a defenseless man. Th society should go towards a better future and that's not possible when you think this way.
Please hide my comments so that the new visitors do not see them. Thanks a lot all of you
You mean the way he showed compassion to that girl he molested and murdered? The way he prevented her from ever seeing her family again? Because you know he'll be out of jail in no time. You're defending a man who has the potential to go out there and inflict this pain on someone else.
Have you ever met a child who's been the victim of sexual abuse? I help at my parents community centre, and I have. Its the saddest thing in the world, you can't even move around them without them flinching. They're more imprisoned than the perpatrator. Some heinous fuck ruins a childs life for the sake of a few seconds of sexual pleasure and you want compassion for them? Go fuck yourself.
rt @deadpool007 couldn't have said it better myself. @asteroid are you serious? I hope you aren't seriously defending him. While what the inmates did was not necessary (he committed a crime and is serving a sentence for it as the law decides) but to offer such a monster protection from the government is horrible. Either way though @asteroid there was no need for you to be as vicious as you were in your comments. Political discussions can get heated but please remember that you are on a public forum and the way to best present your view is not by dropping the f-bomb more than your opposition but to present your opinion in a clear and logical way and listen to what other people have to say...
I am not saying that he is a good person and I am not defending what he did. However, we should not consider ourselves above the law. The only thing that I am saying and everybody seems to be disgusted by it is that he is being punished relative to his crime. It may be emotionally appropriate but it is not legally so. The f_ bomb fell when they started it. he or she called me something that was not called for AND I reacted
And it is *really* stupid to say we are considering ourselves "above the law" when all we're doing is expressing disgust towards his actions. Yeah, how fucked up is that, lock us up.
It is not an eye for an eye (good sarcasm though). It's just words and fuck is a perfectly good word unless you're a bunch of kids. Deadpool said the law is incomplete and many people are corrupt so the law is not enough and the fact that they tortured him is a perfectly good thing to do. He is essentially saying that we are above the law. We ARE NOT expressing disgust towards his actions. we are talking about the actions of his inmates not he himself. I didn't see anybody telling him not to use the word fuck. what a bunch of double standard people you are! I defended myself and the way I talk should not overshadow the moral and ethical stance I am talking about. @ deathfox393 If you don't believe an eye for an eye, then what the fuck are you talking about. You are saying since he raped and murdered a child we should do the same and even more (torture him), that's the FUCKING meaning of an eye for an eye. I hate that type of reasoning.
People who agree with torturing and defacing him are borderline psychopaths and I hope none of you ever become a lawyer or a judge unless you change your point of view. Go find some moral and ethical principles to live by and I am not afraid of your FUCKING power to push a button. Push it as much as you want even invite people to down vote me. Fuck this shit, this website is full of morons.
Lol, you poor delusional little fucktard. You'd have a group of people punished for punishing a molesting murderer, who would have been free in under 20 years to do it again. Yet you talk of morality and doing the right thing. Yes, yes, we're definitely borderline psychopaths, and your rantings are clearly those of a sane person. The fact that you feel that words aren't as important as actions speaks volumes, you hypocrite. We ARE expressing disgust towards his actions, and our disgust to the inadequacies of the law that you seem to hold so dear, and yes, we do think that his fellow inmates did something that he deserved. As for the button pushing, it does seem to be affecting you, poor thing :(
Good. Yes I would punish that group. Why don't you understand. It is similar to what they did to Qazafi. Illegal acts are illegal. The way to improve the law is not by acting on our own accord. If you want to enhance and improve the law, elect better presidents, better PMs and so on. I thought you chose your name as a simple interest but it seems you are deeply drown in the idea of a superhero. A world where people act by themselves and punish whomever they desire. I hate that world and you are a CYBER-BULLY. Down-voting someone in this manner is bullying and calling people liars is another flaw.
You simply do not go out there and punish the first person you see because you deem their crime repugnant. If words are as meaningful as you say, you should be in jail based on your comment. Please for your own sake do not utter this nonsense in a court of law. You will be imprisoned.
Seriously asteroid, how can someone make you understand?
People fighting your argument aren't bullies, I'm sorry you feel that affected by it.
And no one is inviting people to downvote you, they see the mess of your arguments themselves.
If you think this website is full of morons because they don't share your view, maybe you should go and find another one.
And by the way, yeah, deadpool is totally a god now, like, there's no way we could compare and consider extremely similar situation of the past, having in mind today's operandum. Yeah mortals can't do that.
Wow, I didn't know that disagreeing with an idiot on the internet constituted as cyberbullying. And for the love of god, Deadpool isn't a superhero, he's an anti-hero, a mercenary, pick up a fucking comic book you basic fucknugget. No-one said we'd punish just anyone. Its this one fuck hole that we think deserved the punishment he got. Deal with it. Exactly what law did I violate with my words? What would get me into jail? Pray, please share, sir Assteroid.
No, actually deadpool is quite right. There's a big difference between most felons and pedophiles. You can rarely rehabilitate a pedophile, they're reoffenders. I do not tend to believe in permanently removing people from society, but some people just cannot be let loose in the general public. I personally KNEW a man that sexually assaulted his toddler son, and because of laws protecting felons got out of prison, moved 1,200 miles away and then raped his 3 year old daughter. He fucked a 3 year old. Some people should NEVER be allowed to merge into the general population. If he had been branded maybe his daughter should have been spared.
@shurikkaru, sorry bro, its just that this topic hits a bit close to home for me, I've had to work with a lot of kids who've been abused, including sexually, and its really the saddest thing ever. You wouldn't want mercy for the offender, you'd want them to die. Horribly.
@snugglebutt, thank you! That's exactly why I believe this man deserved what he got. Sex offenders are usually repeat offenders, and there's not much the law can do to prevent them from doing it again and again (apart from keeping them in prison forever).
Thank you all. Let's agree to disagree. I was hoping you see him use the "f-bomb" as much as he wanted. And he did. Friend I wanted to show you that words are not that bad but to each his own. I still hate violence. The man that we want to hurt now (besides and more than his sentence) was a child once. The statistics show that child rapers was most likely to have been raped as a child. The society didn't do him right. I believe that he should have received the death penalty but he didn't. So he will spend his life in prison. We do not need to brand him like an animal. He should have been killed with dignity. You should look at the big picture, the children are innocent when abused they should be cared for deeply and be treated by psychologists. Otherwise, they will become the man you so deeply want to torture.
It was a good conversation and I learned much about you all. Thanks
@deadpool007 We fair and square bro. I know deadpool is not a hero, man. I meant you believe in his world. The existence of his world. Every antagonist needs a protagonist.
I just wanted to add, a person using the "f-bomb" doesn't prove your point, and it doesn't really show immaturity.
But that's more like it asteroid, you get more people to hear you, all depending on the way you say your thoughts
I know he really deserves it, but I am still against violence. Doing that to him didn't bring Katie back, or made him realize he did something wrong. Maybe it gave some satisfaction to the family member, but it didn't solve any problems. We're left with inmates who commited another crime by hurting another human being and Katie still dead. You can't beat fire with fire. It only makes you go down in flames.
Actually, he did. He's serving a life sentence, so it's not as though he can just walk out of jail in 20 years time and try to look like a respectable member of society...
We have the law and we have to abide by it. Some inmates deciding to carry out justice the way they like is not fair. Making a mistake that ruins your life is a sign of being a human being. We should be human enough to consider life in prison, as the judges deemed appropriate, is enough of a punishment. Considering this incident justice brings us to the level of criminals. There is nothing above the law. Please reconsider your life choices people
Why the down-vote. Riddle me this imagine you had a car crash and killed a little girl accidentally. Would it be OK if I avenged the girl by running you over? I just thought you deserved that you better be dead than breathing. I decide that because I am an emotional fuck and I don't believe in the society. I do whatever the fuck that I please. Go on you fucking down votes, do not even speak your mind just push the fucking button. Your mind is so glorious your votes are of utmost fucking importance for us. Do not hesitate come on do what you must. You are all superman and batfucking man. you are above the fucking law of the land
That's the stupidest thing I've read all day, and this is the internet we're talking about. You don't molest and murder someone by mistake, comparing that to a car accident makes you stupid fucknugget. HE FUCKING MOLESTED AND MURDERED A 10 YEAR OLD. The justice system is inadequate to deal with degenerates like this. He can get free within 20 years and do it again, no problem, and then what? Go back to jail for a few years? He fucking deserved this.
And nothing above the law? When politicians and corrupt cops are getting away with corruption every day? Get you head out of your fucking fantasy world and wake up in the real world.
So you all negative people believe that the real world needs you to be the enforcers of law "the real law" yourselves. I do not care if he raped a thousand little girls, the legal system deals with that. It is in place for these very situations. I believe your real world is the fantasy world of Batman and Superman. You have a problem, most likely a psychological complex in a way that you believe the society needs a hero (most likely yourself). You have not been in the situation we are talking about, you do not know the circumstances, you do not know anything about the case. We always talk about a fair trial. You should believe in the concept of fairness. The punishment should match the crime. Please, do not be so emotional that you neglect rationality. We have problems with our legal systems, but the solution is not to punish people ourselves. continued...
The legal system deals with human relations. This concept is very hard to deal with, so there are always some problems with the system and as time passes, it will get better and better. Please consider these facts before judging other people. I gave the example of a car accident as a general crime, every crime has an appropriate punishment. The legal system decides on a punishment not you or not me. The system that you are trying to advocate for, allows me to enforce the law myself. If torturing a man for this crime (raping a kid) is acceptable, what about other crimes. Can I torture you for stealing, for robbing a bank, for fraud, for tax evasion. By your logic the inmates are the enforcers of law and they decide everybody's fate themselves. So what can you do??? Your logic is funny. I threw some fucks inside my statement to see the reaction and I saw. It was beautiful. But I do not care for your fucking language. Your mind is so full of shit you cannot see anything clearly.
Yes as a society we believe there is nothing above the law. You cannot do something because it is against the law. Any other thing is relative. You are so fucking funny. If there is something above the fucking law, how do you know there are corrupt politicians? If the law is not important, the crimes (including corruption) are not punishable. We know they are corrupt because they did something against the fucking law. There is no fucking thing above the fucking law. The problem is that the people who downvote in this website do not ever reconsider. That's fine but hiding my comment does not make it less true. I would punish those inmates in the fucking hardest possible fucking way to forget about torturing people.
Even imagining the thing they did makes me sick. Someone should stand for the guy and I am here to stand for him. Fuck those who consider themselves above the law. Fuck
Oh and I forgot. @deadpool007, fuck you sir. The justice fucking system is inadequate, why the fuck is that then, because you fucking believe so??? Fuck you. Where the fuck have you been fucking living. To be honest I have to tell you your name is not deadpool007 you have a real name and you live in a fucking real world just look away from the fucking screen. I react very poorly to the word fuck, you have to know that. I can right hours of fuck since unlike the rest of the fucking internet I have a lot of fucks to give and to anybody that needs them. you need these fucks urgently swallow them with fucking care. and fuck you. The place that you are from is probably abundant with fuckloads of bullshit laws and that makes you fucking right. teh fucking legal fucking system is inadequate you shit
Hey, asshat, if you're finished ranting, maybe you'd like to read the load of bullshit you just spouted. It makes no sense. You just said that what the inmates did was wrong, yet YOU would like to punish them? And yes, everyone knows the justice system is inadequate in most countries. A high ranking person can get away with comitting criminal offenses while the average person has to face the brunt of the "law". And in the Batman/Superman world, neither of them kill. They put the fucking villains in jail, they follow the law you dumbfuck, we want the criminal dead. Seriously, are you some sort of criminal yourself that you defend this degenerate so vehmently? I don't know what society you're in, but I'm pretty sure its only the idiots that believe that nothing is above the law. People follow the law out of fear of punishment, not out of respect. As cool as it would be, I don't think society needs a hero, it needs people in power who are willing to start changing laws and implementing
Strategies to get rid of corruption and to make a punishment that fits the crime. You think that degenerate (or any) is really going to learn their lesson from a few years in prison? If you were molested, how would you feel about your attacker? Or if a close family member of yours was killed, would you want compassion for the killer? I know what my real name is (lots of people on this site do too, I don't exactly keep it a secret, you dumbfuck) and I'm guessing your name isn't asteroid. Asshead would be more adequate for you, considering the amount of shit you're spouting. Do you even know what you mean when you say "above the law"? Of course if people do something wrong and get away with it they are above the law, get that into your fucking skull, they commited a crime and went unpunished, is that not above the law. Idiot.
Like you said, yes I do believe the punishment should suit the crime. Torturing me for robbery or fraud would be idiotic and illogical, but hey, that right up
Hopefully th ey held him down and raped him. I bet he ll never think about that shit again
Please hide my comments so that the new visitors do not see them. Thanks a lot all of you
Have you ever met a child who's been the victim of sexual abuse? I help at my parents community centre, and I have. Its the saddest thing in the world, you can't even move around them without them flinching. They're more imprisoned than the perpatrator. Some heinous fuck ruins a childs life for the sake of a few seconds of sexual pleasure and you want compassion for them? Go fuck yourself.
You simply do not go out there and punish the first person you see because you deem their crime repugnant. If words are as meaningful as you say, you should be in jail based on your comment. Please for your own sake do not utter this nonsense in a court of law. You will be imprisoned.
People fighting your argument aren't bullies, I'm sorry you feel that affected by it.
And no one is inviting people to downvote you, they see the mess of your arguments themselves.
If you think this website is full of morons because they don't share your view, maybe you should go and find another one.
Calm down, eat a pancake man, your not you when you are hungry
@snugglebutt, thank you! That's exactly why I believe this man deserved what he got. Sex offenders are usually repeat offenders, and there's not much the law can do to prevent them from doing it again and again (apart from keeping them in prison forever).
Lighten the mood
It was a good conversation and I learned much about you all. Thanks
But that's more like it asteroid, you get more people to hear you, all depending on the way you say your thoughts
He KILLED a little girl. Not gonna forgive that piece of sh*t
Like you said, yes I do believe the punishment should suit the crime. Torturing me for robbery or fraud would be idiotic and illogical, but hey, that right up