Or rather I should say, this is factual for decent people. There are plenty of douchebags out there to whom #3 does not apply, but if you get to know them and they seem like good people, odds are this advice is correct
· 10 years ago
#5. That is all.
· 10 years ago
I've said it a thousand times before
and I'll say it a thousand times more
Did anyone point out yet how men are very complicated creatures? Women are too but they're stereotipically thought to be complicated so nobody even tries to understand them without a 500-pages dictionary but men are said to be simple when they are most definitelly N-O-T.
This is not untrue, and then there are the times when you have no idea if she is just talking to you or trying to flirt so you just stand there awkwardly like a fish out of water
Well if he can't put a string of words together to create a sentence while talking or complimenting you, he's most likely infatuated. Trust me, I do it all the time lol
Think of it this way: Girls can get away with a lot more than guys can. If a guy walked up and said "Yeah, you're my girlfriend now", it would come off as creepy and arrogant. If a girl says it, it makes you exude confidence and isn't odd in the slightest.
A lot of people get anxiety from conversing with someone of the opposite sex, even if you aren't crushing on them. Fuck I'm 20 and I can't talk to any girl without choking on nothing
They'll think that you are confident and they'll be thrilled that you straight up asked them instead of making them jump through hopes and hints because no guy enjoys that
Guys can be confident, but the difference is that we aren't as subtle as girls in terms of who we like, we're pretty open about it in fact, the problem is we're sure if girls are trying to say that they like us or just that they're friends with us
It certainly doesn't help when you have a friend who is a 10/10 telling you to be confident and you are like, fuck you man you are gorgeous I'm a fucking generous 5/10.
I feel like I'm a pretty understanding girlfriend!...i..i think. I mean you'd have to ask Jerry lol no I"m self conscious...am i a bad girlfriend Jerry?
OK so #4 this shit is also a cop out for when you work with a group of guys and they think its fun to belittle, exclude and degrade you because you're the only woman, groups of people, be it men together or women together take time to bond, but being a group of dicks is just another form of boys club bullshit and no i wont just play along ( i get that this is meant to be light hearted but a lot of guys talk their "tomfoolery sexist bullshit" as just a bit of fun so we should lighten up). I think most of this list applies to women aswell, so instead of building a guide of how to understand Men/Women (like where some kind of alien race meeting for the first time) maybe we should be working on a list of just how to be a decent human....full stop....no bros or hoes..just basic how to rock at being a rad human being to other human beings.
and I'll say it a thousand times more