I feel like douche clothes are actually pretty expensive...
Name brands being abused?
· 10 years ago
How you dress has nothing to do with how you act. I've had orange Mohawks, hair down past my shoulders to clean crop cuts. I wear anything from nice leather jackets and button down shirts to old ripped dirty jeans and grease covered hoodies and I always treat people with dignity and respect. There is no such thing as dressing like a dbag, there are people of all shapes and sizes that are dbags and people of all shapes and sizes that are perfect gentlemen.
but you don't sag your pants and walk like you have a three week old shit in there right? You don't put your hands in your pocket and spread your elbows so you take another two and a half people's worth of space? Of course, these are stereotypes. Oh, don't forget the hat that you barely perch on your head so that a gentle sneeze across the room could blow it off.
- Slightly related…
Your clothes aren't DESIGNED to make you look like an ass. They've been used and battle-worn so they have a more "natural" wear than whatever the hell stereotypes wear.
You can dress in a manner that seems "classy" but still be a total asshat. Class is more than just a dressing style, its a way of living, or behaving, its how you carry yourself out.
But this guy could just as easily be a Rick douchebag. But I'm sure most men can afford a nice t-shirt and clean pants, that's really all it takes. And im absolutely positive they can afford to be polite and gentlemanly ^__^
My boyfriend dresses in videogame merch and think its adorable, you do not have to dress in suits for girls to like you. Guys just need to show respect, as well as girls. I feel like girls as a whole are kinda rude but we are girls so we get away with it. but i feel like everyone should just be nice all time and be accepting to everyone. And have rainbows and unicorns everywhere<3
I know this may seem hard for some to understand but: THE WAY YOU DRESS DOES NOT AFFECT THE WAY YOU ACT. If I dress like a douche but act like a gentleman, what am I?
If I dress like a gentleman but act like a douche, what am I? Think about it.
Clothes give an initial impression of people. It's sort of like teachers and students; if a student acts up on the first day the teacher's gonna be harsher on that student because that initial impression is that the student is a trouble spot even though the student could behave the rest of the year.
even if the guy dresses like a jerk, he should make up for it by being really nice then the female population will go "WOWZA! What? How is this possible? What? You don't even have a suit on,"
actually from me, forgot to sign in: even if the guy dresses like a jerk, he should make up for it by being really nice then the female population will go "WOWZA! What? How is this possible? What? You don't even have a suit on,"
Ultimately, you could wear this suit and be the biggest dbag this side of the Mississippi. Doesn't matter what you wear on the outside, it's who you are and how you treat others.
I bought my $500 suit on a clearance sale at Sears. Money doesn't determine class, or value. Just because something is expensive, doesn't mean it's actually worth that much.
Name brands being abused?
- Slightly related…
Your clothes aren't DESIGNED to make you look like an ass. They've been used and battle-worn so they have a more "natural" wear than whatever the hell stereotypes wear.
If I dress like a gentleman but act like a douche, what am I? Think about it.
-The cool guest