There are multiple different breeds of bananas just like apples or oranges. They've been crossbreed into making the bananas that we are used to. I doubt that clone from one banana part is true as there are countless different companies and countries producing bananas that I doubt would share the clone with each other
Thank you! I was trying to figure out if it was the same as when you eat a tomato from the garden and your world stops because it is so fantastic....then you bite into the one from the store and packing peanuts.
Having lived in SoCal most of my life, every time a palm tree grows something, picture or not, I just stare at it in something close to fear. I apologize.
Selective breeding is a low-tech form of gmo, selective breeding is for example taking a few cows with a desirable trait lets say shorter tails for example and breeding those cows repetitively until you have a whole herd of short tails, gmo is a similar concept but it cuts the margin of error out of the breeding by directly changing the dna. So while they are not exactly the same they are the same concept.
· 10 years ago
guest/ since it seems that you don't know anything about the subject you are arguing against, my advice would be that you simply don't try to argue about the subject at all because it just makes you look stupid
Fuck beauty standards for bananas