Pretty: Beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, aesthetically pleasing
Hot: Burning, scorching, warm, flaming, searing
Fast: Speedy, quick, swift, rapid, breakneck, brisk
Dirty: Filthy, dusty, sooty, grimy
Wet: Moist, damp, soaked
Easy: Simple, uncomplicated, effortless, facile (fun fact: "Facile" is derived from the French word, also "Facile," and of the same meaning. The English couldn't come up with anything on their own.)
Now, Ordinarygirl, seems you have been bested. Or perhaps you wish for another go, simpleton?
Hot: Burning
Fast: Speed
Dirty: Stinks
Wet: Not dry
Easy: Piece of cake.
Call me a genius.
Hot: Burning, scorching, warm, flaming, searing
Fast: Speedy, quick, swift, rapid, breakneck, brisk
Dirty: Filthy, dusty, sooty, grimy
Wet: Moist, damp, soaked
Easy: Simple, uncomplicated, effortless, facile (fun fact: "Facile" is derived from the French word, also "Facile," and of the same meaning. The English couldn't come up with anything on their own.)
Now, Ordinarygirl, seems you have been bested. Or perhaps you wish for another go, simpleton?