While there are so many people and so many different ways to Interpret the meaning of all thouse holly books...it 's gonna be hard but it could be a start for sure!
What about not taking it to literally. Yes, that is the pope, which is a catholic. But the post is more about his open mind than his religious beliefs. Atleast, thats what I like to think.
· 10 years ago
Why not everyone just be kind and look out for each other?
HEAVENS yes. this is a man who is reforming what it means to be catholic. this is a man who takes after Jesus own heart. THIS is a MAN who has brought the teaching of Jesus to love thy neighbor, to turn the other cheek, to be the best man, and to aid the less fortunate. He has reused ridiculous capitalistic drives within the church and put that money back to the people. Not only that but his is missing half a lung. that might not sound like much, but if you were missing half a lung, getting out of bed, walking over the to bathroom, and plodding down the stairs to breakfast would be and daring and eventful expedition. I dare say that this man runs on the faith he has in his GOD, and he will continue to aid his fellow MAN with the same perseverance and determination.
Slow and steady wins the race. He doesn't just want to officially change the church but also have members believe and support those values too. And a sudden change to new open minded values would turn a large portion of the church away from Catholicism.
Nah, I'm good