Rebecca, shut up, okay?
I was liking soul's comments. You tell everyone to just don't. If I see you do it one more time I will just report your username because you're just doing it to fuck with us.
Seriously. This is like the third post I've looked at where you two are going at it. If someone's comments bother you, just ignore them. This is FUNsubstance not TAKEOFFENSEATEVERYTHINGsubstance.
How can Bookhoarder tell Rebecca to shut up on her own post and she has to drop it? Seriously? You complain that people down vote you all the time but then you consistently act like a douche on the site.
Padfoot and Tonks's baby?
Just dont.
I was liking soul's comments. You tell everyone to just don't. If I see you do it one more time I will just report your username because you're just doing it to fuck with us.
And you, stop doing this on so many posts.
feel love <3
Have a nice day, everyone!
I'll shut up now sorry.