I'm sorry, is it just etiquette to do this everywhere? Seriously? I've never seen anyone do this at all, and yet there has never been a problem where I've been.
· 10 years ago
I see this pretty much every day, but i have never seen it written somewhere. I thought it was just one of those "accepted non-official rules"
I did'nt know about this until I went to Paris. In Norway you never really rush so much that you need to walk, if it's not clear and you can without disturbing anyone. But going up from the metro in Paris there are these loooong escalators and people are always running up and down. And now I always stand to the right and walk to the left.
Yeah, definetly not etiquette in Norway. But Copenhagen is where I learned it, so I have sort of adobted it (even though I seem to be the only one here yet)
Yeah it's normal etiquette In Australia, but obviously we stand on the left portion not the right
· 10 years ago
Yeah, it's like traffic
· 10 years ago
I had this minor existential crisis looking at this...
Australians do it in reverse (like, maybe, two or three other countries in the world) but I was filled with self doubt and that thought that I'd been doing it wrong all along....
Meanwhile in the us these are only wide enough for one person so everyone's in a single file line, most people just stand you only really walk up them if you're in a hurry
I'm really sorry, because I'm one of those people that just stands wherever. But those things are really scary and there's no way in hell im moving around once I'm on
Australians do it in reverse (like, maybe, two or three other countries in the world) but I was filled with self doubt and that thought that I'd been doing it wrong all along....