That might sound impolite, but it´s serious question - What can WE do with it? How can I find out the condition of maker of every piece of clothes I buy? How can I prevent it?
I know. My mom made a living sewing pockets on shirts made for Arrow, then Van huesen, then some British outfitter company. And this was in the Southern US. You get paid based on money per dozen. The product will always be worth more than the work.
$0.60 is money. It's not much, but it's better than nothing, without this employment, she may not be able too eat, so she'll stave and die. $0.60 may buy considerately more than it would do without a massively inflated economy. I realize that she's not paid fairly, but I doubt that the people who pack, ship, advertise and sell the dress are paid an equal proportion of the profit either. $0.60 is better than $0.
This is from a serie produced by a norwegian newspaper to draw attention to the situation i Cambodia (and other developing countries). If you want to watch it, go to youtube and search for "aftenposten sweatshop deadly fashion." It really makes you think, highly recomended.