I have a police station on the same block as me so that's not true...and I agree with thatsnotsoraven, saving lives is more important than seeing stars //:
· 9 years ago
Police stations usually take up a whole block. As they should, unless your suburb isn't concerned about saving lives. How could a police station take up any less? Escaped convicts would surely wreak havoc on the houses nearby if residences were excessively proximate to the station. And what's so bad about seeing stars? I would expect atheists like you to care about the natural world.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
You live in the same city as me, you should know that they don't take up whole blocks. Even if they did, the light pollution would still be there.
· 9 years ago
They do though. Maybe you're getting that confused with "ambulance centre".
· 9 years ago
I think this post is talking about what would be "cool", not "feasible".
· 9 years ago
Police stations definitely don't. At least not all. And you're missing the point again. The light pollution will still be there.
· 9 years ago
If it was talking about the coolness not the feasibility, then the title wouldn't by 'why isn't this a thing'. I was explaining why it's not.
· 9 years ago
You mean "Why this isn't a thing". And no-one really cares why it isn't a thing because we already know. All I was trying to do was explain why Space Day ≠ Earth Hour.
· 9 years ago
I never said it did. I was explaining why you can't shut all the lights off, no matter the event.
· 9 years ago
I know. The first commenter likened Earth Hour to Space Day, and I was simply disproving that.
I stand by my post, and will continue to do so until further notice.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Hales, Earth Hour is not Space Day. You don't see the galaxy in Earth Hour. Earth Hour is to promote global warming, not to watch the stars. I know Space Day would be a very impractical thing, but let some people have their fantasy. You have been noticed.
· 9 years ago
Earth hour DEFINITELY isn't Space Day, especially since it's not some kind of rule/law that you have to turn off your lights at a certain time.
Noticed? Silly peasant I want to rule. I shall be Ruler of the Light, I will use a 12inch wooden stick to measure all light *maniacal laugh* side note, do we know each other? Only like 10 people call me by my last name.
· 9 years ago
Is ruler of the light a Lucifer reference? Oh yeah, by the way, I was using the archaic form of noticed, as in "notified". And I don't think I know you, although I was just trying to express who I was talking to. On an unrelated note, a lot of people call me by my last name.
How do you know the name of my cat! I call her Lucy for short. She's a bitch and I love her and she hates me, but that's ok cause she's old and gonna die soon and I'm gonna replace her with a dog.
There's a town in Arizona (we were on vacation, but I don't remember the town name) where they have special downward-focused streetlights and a citywide lights-out curfew for homes, and the sky was amazing.
Exactly. So how can you say that Space Day would be the same thing as Earth Hour?
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
because that's the entire point of Earth Hour
· 9 years ago
Um, no it's not. Earth Hour is was designed to promote awareness of global warming.
· 9 years ago
Was it really?
I didn't know that. I'm sorry.
· 9 years ago
Yeah, it was created by the WWF. I did a debate on this so that would explain why I know what I do. And sorry if I came on strong, I was still seething after having the same argument with thatsnotsoraven up above ^^^
because that's the entire point of Earth Hour
I didn't know that. I'm sorry.