I just learned in University that there are countries (like in South america for example) where ADHD doesn't even excist. Those are just happy children. But we're looking at them, thinking: Woah, you're annoying the crap out of me. Aren't there any pills for that?
· 9 years ago
It still technically exist they just dont diagnose it as that
Guest, your professor is obviously baised againt big pharmaceuticals, which is understandable, but to insinuate that ADHD doesnt in thirdworld countries is just bonkers.
Its just like stoner said above. It technical ly still exists, it just isnt diagnosed. And you should probably change your university. Sounds like theyve got you brainwashed
nowadays everyone is all too happy to find an excuse to be labelled as mentally dysfunctional, as it excuses their behavior and makes them feel better about their shortcomings.
But also there are children who actually suffer from mental illnesses. For example, I, though not definable as a 'child' anymore, was diagnosed as having mild schizophrenia at a young age. If I don't or didn't take my medications, I'd go nuts and start talking to walls and ignoring people. Not everyone is overdiagnosing or jumping to conclusions or even being an attention seeker.
isnt schizophrenia just being a weirdo????? i hate the ignorant fucker who posted this post. medical technology has come along way and these things can be treated. they havent delt with these things that we have, its hard.
or on the flip side we have kids who actually did have bipolar and ADHD back then that weren't diagnosed and left to fall through the cracks. Goes both ways.
Lol, daydreamer was what my teachers called me when I was in elementary school. I remember looking at the board and then I'm flying with Peter Pan or running around in the Neverending Story. I lost whole chunks of my day to daydreaming in school.
· 9 years ago
That actually sounds fun distraction of course but fun