People who say that they don´t believe in science probably does not believe in common sense too. I only hope they don´t believe in unprotected sex, because we are the ones to live with their disaste... children.
They're called theories because they may be wrong. Part of science is never being completely sure about anything, and always being open to the possibility that a theory is incorrect. Thus there is the possibility that every scientific theory is wrong.
Science is about interpreting data. And while data is not not biased, the way we gather it and the way we interpret it can be. Scientist strive to control these elements, and to interpret data as objectively as possible.
Sometimes data stands on it's own. By that I mean it is a new piece of information about something relatively unknown. In cases like that it's is entirely possible that data is misinterpreted, if only because we don't know where to connect the dots.
That's why follow up studies are done to support the theory. The more follow up studies support it, the stronger the evidence is that the theory is correct.
Chances that (all) well-established and supported theories are wrong are slim. They may not be the whole truth, we may find out something later that will add to it, or change out view of the data collected, but they are no fabrications. Not by any means.
I have NEVER heard anyone say "I don't believe in science." I HAVE heard people say things like "I don't believe science proves your theory," which supporters of that theory will take to mean the same thing.
Sometimes data stands on it's own. By that I mean it is a new piece of information about something relatively unknown. In cases like that it's is entirely possible that data is misinterpreted, if only because we don't know where to connect the dots.
That's why follow up studies are done to support the theory. The more follow up studies support it, the stronger the evidence is that the theory is correct.
Chances that (all) well-established and supported theories are wrong are slim. They may not be the whole truth, we may find out something later that will add to it, or change out view of the data collected, but they are no fabrications. Not by any means.
Lucky you.