It's not so much the bleeding that makes me irrational. Yeah that shit sucks but my hormones go apeshit and I have no explanation for why I just want to murder everyone in site with a machine gun while crying and wolfing down a whole tube of cookie dough.
My sister doesn't become moody, but she becomes rather snippy and this unusual snippiness is such that I feel like beating her with her laptop. It may be the same with you; you're not proactively angry but you're reactively sensitive.
No guy would post this, this was totally a girl on her period pissed off at her boyfriend for minding being shouted at because she is bleeding out her vagina while it's not his fualt
You shut up bluekitty there are good girls out there who don't take it out on their boyfriends. If our Testosterone levels get to high we don't punch you in the face do we?
No but you aren't the ones with cramps so bad that when my friend gets them she can't stand up. Of course it varies person to person but I think my point is made. all I'm saying is that we kinda do have a reason because our hormones are constantly on a flux throughout the month, and sometimes when we hit rock bottom it hurts, literally. Periods suck.
Sure we do we suffer from diarrhea 2 every once in a while.. surely you haven't heard of a guy punching a girl in the face because he has diarrhea cramps have you?
We don't take it out on our SO we just get moody. No one should be punching anyone without good reason. Those are not that same and you may get that every once in a while we get our period EVERY. MONTH.
Maybe I should make an account?