“This is she” is grammatically correct. The verb “to be” acts as a linking verb, equating subject and object. So this is she and she is this; “she” and “this” are one and the same, interchangeable, and to be truly interchangeable they must both play the same grammatical role—that of the subject.
Source, bitches:
· 9 years ago
technically, oldmcdonald is right, but I've never heard anyone actually talk like that.
Uhm no. I am not 15, and I believe I dress quite modestly, that doesn't mean I think girls who don't are sluts!
· 9 years ago
Yeah, actually, if you dress like a slut, then you want people to think you are a slut, therefore, you are a slut. Doesn't give people the right to rape you, but people WILL judge you. Down vote me all you want but that doesn't make it untrue.
· 9 years ago
Read the comments of all the boys who want to have sex with her and tell me I'm wrong.
Source, bitches: