Exactly! I'm all for gay marriage and shit I really don't get why people are so against it. Hooray for gays, have some glitter! *throws glitter in the air*
Well the whole eating bacon & other unclean animals thing was repealed by Paul in the New Testament so that's not a sin anymore. Also a lot of the old laws weren't ordained by God but we're set in place be Jewish priests in order to not come anywhere close to breaking a Commandment. The bible & other religious texts were also written in a different time & culture so their language is often not literal. To adorn yourself in gold didn't literally mean to wear gold. It meant to place too much importance on dress & flaunt your wealth.
I'm going to explain from the point of Westboro Baptist because I feel like this post is targeting them, then tell you why they're bullshit as according to guest (who is probably correct).
WBC uses ONLY Leviticus (more or less in context) as their argument, all their other statements come from the New Testament out of context. There's a passage somewhere in the four Gospels that says something like "man shall not lie with another man as with a woman" but that's talking about male prostitution not gay sex or gay people. This passage I've just tried to recite is the primary argument of WBC which they try and back with other (mis)quotes which are either out of context or irrelevant to the argument to begin with.
· 9 years ago
Being homosexual is a sin still tho, as the guest proved that the others were not I am here to say homosexuality is a sin but so is a lot of other things. Homosexualitu is a sin because it's unnatural, penis made for vagina not asshole, vagina made for penis not other vagina. But I do support gay rights. Humans are humans nonetheless. You arent a freak of nature for being gay, you're just different :)
its not a sin if you can't control it. For something to be sinful, the doer must be aware that it's a sin and be fully capable of avoiding the sinful behavior. Being gay isn't something you can stop and so isn't a sin even if for some god awful reason you believed (we're aware) that it was. It's like being forced to murder.
Homosexuality is a sin. But so is Adultury, Sex before marriage, taking the lords name in vain, and a lot of other things that people barely bat an eye at these days, much less make laws restricting it! It is a sin, and if you say it's not, you are wrong. BUT, it is not the place of te government to tell you what to do with your life. The issue here is the definition of the word "marriage" Marriage is used to define a used to be HOLY union between a man and a woman. Same sex "marriage" is an oxymoron, but people are gonna do what they want anyway, so just come up with a different word for it or something. I am offended when I see two guys getting married because in my beliefs system, marriage is SACRED.
· 9 years ago
Marriage was originally not a religious thing, Christians kinda completely commandeered the idea.
Did you know what else the bible defines marriage as ? If a soldier wanted he could marries prisoners of war. Men could have many wives if they chose it. Men could force women to marry them. Women didn't have a say, they were given to the men by their fathers.
And plenty of other cultures had things exactly like marriage, so Christians aren't the only one.
I dont get why christians draw the line at being gay all sin is the same in gods eye. Honestly i dont care about gay marrage it doesnt affect me so why care.
Actually our priest told us not all sins are equal and there are low sins and like strong sins.Strong one is if you did something really bad,you were aware what you were doing and did it on purpose.
Revelation 21:27 "Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." if you sin, you can't go to heaven without Jesus. That's why we have Jesus. Because we have all sinned. Compared to other people, we may not be so bad, but when we are compared to God, there is no contest
weeelll I'm catholic and we don' believe in following the old rules that I think were before the ten commandments. I don't remember all the details but there were hundreds of small tiny rules we don't believe we need to follow today.
I'm catholic and I don't follow the old rules like Leviticus yet in my country(Croatia) most people are catholic and use Bible against gay marriage but don't follow the rest of the old rules which kind of doesn't make sense.
All those hundreds of rules that u speak of were added to the Ten Commandments by the Jewish priests and Pharisees. They were never spoken of by God or Jesus.
Some of these are actually really correct and people should see that the bible never gives any reason why we should hate homosexual people. But, of course the bible doesnt mention gay marriage it wasnt an issue they werent trying to fight for a right to marriage. And although the bible does explicitly name homosexual relations as forbidden (on occassions other than the lost of rules now void to Christians that were set in Leviticus), it does not give anyone the right to show anything but love to homosexual people despite their "sin". Everyone does something seen as sinful from a biblical point of view
Actually, it's in the bible. And there are still Christians who have tattoos and aren't seen as bad as gays.
You also aren't supposed to cut your hair or wear polyblended clothing.
Pointing out two things doesn't make your point valid, but if it does then I just won this one, guest.
Actually, the author of Romans wrote about homosexuals going to Hell.
While I believe this, I don't see a valid reason for gay marriage staying illegal .-.
as Russell Howard wonderfully pointed out- neither is marriage in general! You don't see animals having such unions. Adultery is natural, having sex with many different people is natural- you see animals do that all the time- we're beyond using the 'if it's natural it's right' card now
Urge of nature (to reproduce and continue the species) vs the capacity to love and the symbology and willingness of the marriage partners to be only with each other.
There are many species of animals that mate for life. And i dont care what marrage laws are Adultery is never ok, ive been cheated on it wasnt fun, ive had friends who's families were torn apart by an affair and i know im not the only one.
I browse funsubstance less and less because I come here to look at funny things, not political or religious things :/
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Actually, since i do follow leviticus, does that mean I can be against gay marriage. And you're right, jesus never said anything about it. But god did.
Leviticus never says anything against gay marriage, only gay sex.
I don't believe gay marriage was even a concept back then though...
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Although I do not agree with it, homosexuality is mentioned multiple times in the New Testament as well. I love what you're fighting for , and I'll fight with you, but if you're going to argue, make sure you have all the facts.
· 9 years ago
I've never actually read the Christian bible, just read other people post that homosexuality is not mentioned. I made the mistake of assuming they knew what they were talking about.
As you may know, there were tons of different authors of the bible. There was also a 400 time gap between the old and New Testament. You may have heard the expression from exodus, 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth... Ect'. In Matthew however, Jesus says 'if someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn and offer them your left'. Also if you read the bible, or at least know the gist of most of the old and New Testament, you see instances of God having very different personalities. In the Old Testament God says that he is a jealous God and there will be no other gods before him. But in the New Testament Jesus is described as the good Shepard who saves people. The point I'm trying to make is people during the time of the Old Testament needed a different kind of God than the people of the New Testament. What helped one group may not have applied to another group, which is why almost everything in the bible can be opposed with another bible verse. That's the way I see it :)
New Testament laws (compassion, acceptance, being a good person) supersedes the Old Testament laws. Because Jesus came to unify the world, not destroy it for everyone except a select few.
Then you should also know that Jesus's didn't literally mean to give your other cheek right? Don't sit there and eat punches like a sandbag. He means don't fight back, be peaceful.
The culture that Jesus grew up in was of a very symbolic and metaphoric language. Don't for example, cut off your hand if it does something wrong.
· 9 years ago
The eye for an eye thing was meant to be about controlling revenge. It wasn't saying if you blind me, I get to blind you. It was saying if you blind me, I don't get to kill you. It was a metaphor that the punishment should fit the crime.
you dont go to hell for being homophobic. Homosexuals do.
· 9 years ago
Well, there is no hard evidence that hell exists, or that homosexuals would go there and homophobics would go to heaven. If there were, I might reconsider, I might not, because I believe that equality for all is required and you cannot decide your sexual preference. But as it stands, there is no proof of a god. I'd like to believe in one, but no religion i've seen isn't completely rock solid, and Christianity and Catholicism DEFINITELY have a lot of parts in them that aren't possible or are just plain wrong.
If homophobes go to heaven and homosexuals go to hell, I'd rather be in hell trying to make them feel better about something they can't change about themselves as opposed to be in paradise with a bunch of intolerant assholes.
If this was the case, I'd join every terrorist organization to ensure I would go to hell because there's no way I could stand to be surrounded by intolerance for eternity.
This is not fair. The Bible is more accurate than this bullshit. Read the bible.
· 9 years ago
Well, what evidence is there besides the bible itself? I don't wish to degrade your religion in any way, but I'm just letting you know the opinion of others. I personally wouldn't mind following a religion, but the bible just doesn't make sense to me, and I prefer to go with my own sense of morality, because that makes more sense to me. If I find a religion that makes complete sense to me, I'll become religious. But not until then. Anyway, what people express is that the Bible, and the entire religion, ANY entire religion for that matter, could all be spoken and written word from long ago that is now seen as truth. We don't have any evidence of things mentioned in many religious texts, but we have lots of evidence debunking certain facts in certain religions. I think that the bible may or may not be truth, but NOBODY should say that some else's beliefs are less valid than theirs unless they have complete proof, and are aiming to share knowledge instead of proving their beliefs.
And here we see a Christian stereotype perpetuated by guest. The Bible does not have answers to everything, nor is it completely accurate in the historical sense because the authors wrote it to have symbolic meaning after having processed the events for a few decades.
Faith has no accuracy by definition. It's the belief in something without proof.
· 9 years ago
What Tyler means is that besides other religious texts that reference each other there isn't much merit towards what things like the bible say. And also, what do you mean by accurate? That could mean several things
real quick clear up
okay lust is bad right? you are only supposed to have sex to conceive a child okays? if condoms existed back then one of the many many authors of the bible probs would have said it was a sin. Its a sin to be a pervert. It is impossible for two men to concieve a child, it is simply for sexual reward, therfore making it a sin. K?
The post is about marriage, not sex.Also that would mean that tons of straight people are sinners as well because practically no one has sex with the goal to make a child.Also I'm a christian and I still don't understand why is sexual pleasure a sin.
yes straight people can be sinners. i have been taught that if it is not to concieve a child it is sin. I am saying that the reason that it was counted as a sin in the first place is because of all that "man laying with another man" crap. They had gay sex, they were homosexual,that is why many christians believe being gay is a sin.
Yeah, i agree with that, im kinda not sure about the whole heaven/hell thing, and all the spirituality stuff. Im gonna be a good person, I dont care if people are gay or not honestly, and other peoples "sins" are none of my biz. I just dont like how all christians are classified as homophobic, and general assholes. people are different from other people, regardless of race, skin, or any other piece of shit generalization.
Kinda hard to read the fine print when you're baptized at <1 year of age and are brainwashed from that point forward. (although, is it really brainwashed if there was nothing there to start with). *disclaimer I'm a Catholic who doesn't care that I was brainwashed.
Are you saying that you've been brainwashed to be tolerant and accepting and loving of others despite their race, religion, socieoeconomic status, and sexual orientation? The tldr version of the social manifestation of being a Christian is literally just to be nice to people.
How is this narrow and uninformed? This post is pointing out the stupidity of Christian-based homophobia because the very essence of Christianity is acceptance and unconditional love for everyone.
For hating irrational intolerance of something that can't help but exist? What would you rather me say? I love homophobia and I'd personally execute every homosexual given the chance?
You are a moron because saying u would join terrorist groups because some people have different opinions than u. How about the people that don't support gays think u r irrational because u can't except the fact that some people don't afree with u.
Ps. You are being an intolerant asshole just because some people don't have the same views as u. What would I want u rather to say is. Hmm not something that sounds so moronic as what u have been saying.
· 9 years ago
He's saying that he doesn't side with homophobes because your sexual identity and preference are not your choice. You eventually discover them, but you can't make up your mind one day to become gay. It's like saying that you can change your skin tone with the power of thought. You can't change it; it's embedded in your DNA. Tyler is saying that homosexuals go through a lot of mental pressure because of people who say that homosexuality is a sin, most of which say so because of their religion. For religion, there are a LOT of things in original texts, such as the bible, that many choose not to apply into their daily lives, such as selling their daughters into slavery, yet they choose to accept the statement that not being straight will land you in hell. Tyler is saying that if homosexuals go to hell, despite the fact that it's not their fault, he'd rather go there too to make them feel better. Finally, rationality requires some form of proper motive,and Tyler does clearly have one.
Calling someone an intolerant asshole for having a different opinion isn't supported with anything besides opinion. However, hating on the belief that what is determined before someone's birth is obviously their choice and should be judged upon it is supported, as it's the exact same view that people used to have on Africans and African americans, Indians, and the Romani. What you believe in is a choice, and you have absolutely no reason to degrade other humans by the mass because of unsupported claims. If you give me unshakeable evidence that what you're saying is true, then I might change my mind. But you are degrading and me nally abusing you countless people, who are struggling to be true to themselves and come out. I know people who tried to force themselves to become straight, because they were so afraid of people with those views. It didn't work, of course. Saying that homosexuality is a sin is a sin in itself, because you are, without evidence, choosing to harm innocent people
WBC uses ONLY Leviticus (more or less in context) as their argument, all their other statements come from the New Testament out of context. There's a passage somewhere in the four Gospels that says something like "man shall not lie with another man as with a woman" but that's talking about male prostitution not gay sex or gay people. This passage I've just tried to recite is the primary argument of WBC which they try and back with other (mis)quotes which are either out of context or irrelevant to the argument to begin with.
And plenty of other cultures had things exactly like marriage, so Christians aren't the only one.
You also aren't supposed to cut your hair or wear polyblended clothing.
Pointing out two things doesn't make your point valid, but if it does then I just won this one, guest.
While I believe this, I don't see a valid reason for gay marriage staying illegal .-.
I'm gonna have a fit over this because the homophobia exhibited by people in general is so idiotic.
Join us, you can be the centerpiece of our little fag orgy.
I don't believe gay marriage was even a concept back then though...
The culture that Jesus grew up in was of a very symbolic and metaphoric language. Don't for example, cut off your hand if it does something wrong.
If this was the case, I'd join every terrorist organization to ensure I would go to hell because there's no way I could stand to be surrounded by intolerance for eternity.
My mistake
okay lust is bad right? you are only supposed to have sex to conceive a child okays? if condoms existed back then one of the many many authors of the bible probs would have said it was a sin. Its a sin to be a pervert. It is impossible for two men to concieve a child, it is simply for sexual reward, therfore making it a sin. K?
Ps. You are being an intolerant asshole just because some people don't have the same views as u. What would I want u rather to say is. Hmm not something that sounds so moronic as what u have been saying.