I think it's wrong for boys and girls to do that, and even if boys discriminate, doesn't mean girls have to. I just think it's wrong that people automatically just look over someone because of these traits, even if it's not on purpose
Btw, I didn't mean offense I don't like this post because it's saying that it's okay for girls to be rude back, when we honestly shouldn't give them a second glance if they think these things... If that makes any sense
· 9 years ago
If you want to look good for guys but think you're too fat, you can join a gym and eat right. If you want to look good for girls but think you're too short, tough shit. Both genders get "you're too fat", only guys get the height thing.
I actually don't have anything to say. I don't like people insulting others; it's just a thing I try to avoid. But then again, this is a post that you guys already talked over, so I'm good. Also I'm not one into assuming or down voting. You can say I did it, and I could try to defend it, but I'd rather not. Can't we all just shake hands? I mean, I have to clean up the mess I made from all this eating.
So I'm gonna go ahead and give my opinion- even though I'll probably be downvoted for it. I don't think its bad for people to have standards. If a girl likes tall guys, why is that a big deal? If a guy likes thin girls, why is that a big deal? I think the problem here is with the people who make others feel bad for not being their idea of attractive- the girls who make guys feel about about their height and the guys who make girls feel bad about their weight/etc. It's perfectly fine if you're not attracted to that person, but it's not okay to be an asshole and make them feel bad about themselves. It's one thing to have a type, it's a whole other thing to be rude to anyone who doesn't fit your type. If you're not attracted to them, then move on- don't put them down simply because /you/ don't find them attractive. Does that make sense?
That's exactly how I feel. Like, honestly, I would feel weird if someone was shorter than me. I'm not a jerk about boys being short, it's just not my type...
precisely. I know for a fact I would feel awkward dating a guy who was shorter than me- I just would. And if a guy thinks I'm not skinny enough for him, or not curvy enough or too tall or too short- fine- there are plenty more fish in the sea.
People, get over yourselves. Stop telling other people how they should look to please you. You don't like how they look, move on. Go stare at your own perfect face in the mirror. Give everybody a fucking break.
Is it just me or are us guys always judged on our every little feature by girls all the time? Just yesterday 3 girls said I would be hot if I had a smaller nose.
Ohmygosh I'm so sorry. I know what it's like being told your flaws. Doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl saying it at that time, both are guilty. We're just jerks to each other, sadly.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen to just men. Every single day girls are told they're not good enough, not skinny enough, not pretty enough, etc. And so are men. Both genders can be assholes, unfortunately.
people should calm down. She was probably just tweeting about a specific guy and accidentally generalized, the way people do sometimes when they don't want to name names. the fact is people judge people no matter who they are. It can be for looks, opinions, personalities and oh! wouldn't you know it? Posts.
Did a short boy insult your weight, or is insulting the short boy who didnt insult you revenge for the Rude boy who did insult you? That is, as long as you get back at SOMEONE of that gender, it evens out?
No first I need to burn them all and eat their souls. Maybe after that I'll forgive boys for being so HORRIBLY rude and ask what my weight is. ALL OF THEM.
(sarcasm, btw)
· 9 years ago
Guys, I don't want to alarm you all, but I just ate an entire cantaloupe, and now I don't feel right
Fat bitches can get skinny but they're more content with complaining about guys not liking them all while eating 5 whoppers and crying about thin privilege. HOWEVER, you cannot change your height. So fuck off, OP, you don't understand shit, you just want to justify the fact that you're too lazy to change yourself for the better, and lash out to others for things they CAN'T change, just to make yourself feel better. Also, a healthy but short guy won't be too offended if some animal whale-ass fat bitch calls them too short, because who gives a fuck about whether or not some ape with no self control finds you hot or not?
yes of course all fat women are bitches. A lot do try to change it- but it's hard with people screaming down your neck all the time. Also, who says you need to be skinny? Why not average? Heck if a girl or a guy knows the consequences- let em eat all they want- it's their body. Honestly, if I had to choose between an overweight girl and you- I'd pick her any day without knowing a thing about her because you seem like the bitterest person on this entire site- every comment I've seen from you is negative and insulting- you seem to be the type of person who sees two kinds of girls- fat and skinny- you're the reason average girls feel like they're too fat, because they think they have to be skinny to be normal, or they're an 'animal whale-ass fat bitch'. Weight does not define your personality- being a dick about people over their choices most certainly does.
Idgaf about your weight until you try to justify it or until you try to insult others to cover up your own insecurities. The people like the ones in the post are the ones I'm referring to. Also, if my comments make you feel bad, then you're weak and you should leave the internet.
I'm sorry did I say it made me feel bad? No, no, no, your comment pissed me off. This post in no way indicated that it was an overweight girl calling a boy short, nor is it about overweight girls justifying themselves- you completely assumed that. In case you haven't noticed- it says 'fat/skinny/tall/hairy/wide'. you focused on fat and completely ignored the other aspects. This post is saying that if boys are allowed to have physical preferences about girls, why aren't girls allowed physical preferences about boys? You appear to have completely looked past this concept upon seeing the words 'fat' and 'short' in the same post.
Not to mention the fact that your extreme aggression and general vile attitude when it comes to defending yourself indicate that perhaps you are the weak one considering you cannot behave in a mature and respectful manner online simply because nobody can see your face.
I refuse to behave in a respectful manner because nobody on this website deserves my respect. You're all weak pieces of shit, the type that commits suicide over something that happens online.
precisely alxx. ns, why would somebody so big and tough want to spend time on a site full of 'weak pieces of shit'? why don't you go and find somewhere else where there are people (god forbid) like you? I can't find any reason you'd want to stick around- if it was just to see the posts, you wouldn't bother looking at the comments sections unless your sole intention was to purposefully look for comments that you disagree with or simply so you can find opportunities to piss people off. Either option is pretty sad really.
so in short you have nothing else to do so you thought you'd try and provoke some people online because it gives you a feeling of self-worth and pride. I'd also bet money that you in no way act in real life the way you do on this site- or if you do it would explain how bitter you are, because I fail to see how anybody would find that attitude appealing.
Op is a huge faggot confirmed. Like seriously. How absolutely painfully retarded do you have to be to not understand this. A fat bitch can lose some weight by NOT eating a big-fucking-Mac every day. So fuck off op. I can't change my height. I'm not ashamed of being as tall as I am. I don't think I'll ever be turned down for my height. But holy fucking shit there are a lot of short guys. They can't get taller. But you can lose some fucking weight or learn some fucking shit. Nobody loves you OP
Why does being overweight automatically make a person a bitch? Why does somebody HAVE to lose weight? So you can have a better view? Well then move along, because those 'fat bitches' don't have to do fuck all for you. As long as they know the possible consequences of their choice, and unless they say something to you- leave them alone- because you're the one bitching and whining about strangers because of what THEY do with THEIR body.
(sarcasm, btw)
Not to mention the fact that your extreme aggression and general vile attitude when it comes to defending yourself indicate that perhaps you are the weak one considering you cannot behave in a mature and respectful manner online simply because nobody can see your face.