I agree its fairly unhealthy, but I think for many its a psychological thing. I had a friend tell me she was addicted to food, and if it was there she would eat it. I know how hard she tried to keep her weight down so I believe that there was seriously an addiction. It doesn't help that all the cheap food is genetically modified and crammed with fat.
This is why I support a way to reduce people from getting obese like this. Make it more encouraged to lose weight but don't literally force someone to lose weight. It's their opinion.
Fat shaming can do more than just hurt, it can break someone down to the point that they end up killing themselves. I do agree with s3252, though. Being obese and overweight isn't healthy, but someone shouldn't be bullied because of it. Sitting the person down and talking to them about their problem and treating them like an actual human being would probably have a better outcome than yelling "fatass" at someone as you walk by them everyday. There's a difference between trying to help someone and just simply being an asshole.
I wasn't refering to you specifically and I never called you a name. I said anyone who bullies someone for any reason is a dick. I never once said /you/ did. And I wouldn't exactly call your comment a fact. Not everyone who commits suicide has a mental illness.
I don't necessarily agree with that. There are plenty of reasons someone could kill themselves; not every situation is black and white. However, even if they did have a mental illness, don't you think bullying would make it worse? Or have you considered that maybe severe bullying is what caused their mental illness in the first place? Like I said, not every situation is black and white.
Why is obesity so offensive, more than sexual perversion? Pornography and sex addiction are a far worse addiction than food. The main reason my friends hate the obese has nothing to do with care for a stranger's health. They only care that the fat girl or fat guy are the opposite of sexually attractive. So what is the real problem? Pornography is accepted and simply understood as normal. But someone gets a hard-on over a burger and the rest of the country wants to lock them up until they look f*ckable again. the problem is that the world has become oversexed. Staring at porn all night is normal, and your significant other can go to hell; but eat An extra box of fries and PUT THEM IN AN INSTITUTION! DRIVE THEM TO SUICIDE!!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA SEE A FAT VAGINA!!!! The people who think fat people are the ones with a problem should look at their lifetime internet history before we talk about uncontrolled appetites. Hypocrites.
they're just all sizes and height in this picture and I think it's a good message that you need to accept your own body and that people will accept you as well. But this guy, he sees that exact picture and he starts a rant about morbid obesity?
I am not personally attracted to obese (wo)men but my comment wasn't about being attracted to them. I was just trying to say that beauty shouldn't be a word to describe and define others because it's just a social contruct and not a standard of attractiveness.
well, K wasn't really talking about beauty either. he's just saying that obesity shouldn't be encouraged, because some people think it's okay now just because people are starting these kinds of campaigns.
Well, in the second paragraph k says "No, morbidly obese isn't beautiful." And the first sentence of the entire thing is "We are all beautiful" so I do think he was somewhat talking about beauty in addition to health
Tbh, some of those women are obese but not morbidly obese. Our society is so used to seeing over weight people that it doesn't register when you see one now. But all these women are overweight to obese.
I believe it's not only about the picture but rather about the firm believe encourage in society that it is fine to be obese because "you were born that way."
I have met few people as narrow-minded as you.
Let us pray that God keeps your path to success extra bright, less you walk off and end up in the psychiatric ward.
As someone who struggles with food addiction, I know how hard it is to conquer but making obesity acceptable is not the right way to go about it. We need to stop pretending that they crap we feed kids and sell in stores is ok. We're only killing ourselves and our environment.
Plot twist: K actually suffered the consequences of being obese. Maybe it wasn't him exactly, maybe it was a close relative or a parent. That's why he speaks of it so passionately and is determined that people know how dangerous obesity can be.
he didn't say they aren't beautiful. He's just saying it's unhealthy for obese people to keep living that way, and it's unhealthy for society to just keep, "Oh, your weight doesn't matter. You're beautiful." It should kind of be like, "You're beautiful and the world would be missing your beauty if you don't fix the problem."
· 9 years ago
Fat acceptance movement is to help fat people come to terms that they are unhealthy not to say that being fat is okay, fat acceptance movement is so people realise it's a problem and denying it is wrong. So when you say fat accetance is wrong without researching what they actually stand for I immediatly think you hate fat people. It's unhealthy to be fat and fat acceptance is there to help them come to terms with being unhealthy, not to tell them it's okay to be fat.
You are half of the problem then for assuming that somebody that does not approve of a fat acceptance movement hates fat people.i find fat acceptance unnecessary if you're morbidly obese you can probably tell that you aren't healthy and therefore do not need "fat acceptance."
· 9 years ago
Believe it or not some people refuse to believe they are unhealthy when obese, I've dealt with some cases like that. And if you saw what the person commented you know why i explain that people who disagree with FAM (lel).
Let us pray that God keeps your path to success extra bright, less you walk off and end up in the psychiatric ward.
he didn't say they aren't beautiful. He's just saying it's unhealthy for obese people to keep living that way, and it's unhealthy for society to just keep, "Oh, your weight doesn't matter. You're beautiful." It should kind of be like, "You're beautiful and the world would be missing your beauty if you don't fix the problem."