The, for lack of a better word, innocence and naivety that this one carries is strong. The twisted mentality of social justice and how the real world works, not the fantasy world that tumblr wishes there was. *sigh* oh how I wish i could understand how these people actually think these things
Perhaps they are thinking of a world where a victim of an assault does not have to justify themselves. Justifying their actions to the courts as to why they did not purchase this 'anti-date rape device', because believe me there will be people who choose not to purchase it. Thus, giving the justice system just another precedent to drag victims of heinous acts through the courts and accuse them of being able to prevent the actions of others. Despite it being a keen idea in the prevention of date rapes, it is going to end up just being used as a tool to victim sham. "Oh, you didn't buy the nail polish to check if your date drugged you and therefore led to your assault? Was your clothes to revealing as well?" Obviously we do not live in a perfect world and it is sad and pathetic that there is need for such product on the market.
No one is forcing them to buy this or condemning them for not buying it, it is just a preventative thing that some people may wish to purchase. Considering that this is not even really a product that is on the market and the post is years old anyway, this further supports this point. If it was some massive thing then maybe it would be more frowned upon to not use it but what's wrong with it anyway. It is sad but it is the reality we live in. Things like this do happen and having a preventative thing like this will give peace of mind to some women who are more cautious of these types of things.
Beside using the nail polish, how can woman be classified as more cautious than others? Is this type of women the one who is "more catious" is she the one doesn't walk home at night? People living in constant fear of being assaulted everyday is not being catious it's being scared into not living at all. Perhaps in a perfect world there would be no violent offenders. But until that happens triple locked chastity belts for everyone!
· 9 years ago
Caution does not equal fear. Caution says to lock my car doors and take my stuff with me when I go out. Caution says I should check my mirrors before changing lanes. Fear says something bad WILL happen. Being cautious does not mean I am a slave to fear and cannot live. It just means I like to assess risk and be aware.
If society put the same focus on not rapeing instead how to prevent rape then we wouldn't need this shit. By continuing to make the solutions based on the victims actions we are taking the focus off the real problem. In the end this stuff doesn't change anything. And before you go on about "well it could save that one women" what about the next one that doesn't have nail polish? Imagine having to live your life thinking "i better put on my anti date rape nail polish" "better get my rape whistle", stop making products for us and start thinking of ways to tackle social issues.....