Vegans couldn't live their lifestyle a hundred years ago. Only modern farming techniques and processes make that possible. Vegetarians, for the most part, one hundred years ago were only vegetarians by necessity because of an allergy or something else. Vegans just need to stop and respect others for their choices and decisions instead of throwing it in people's faces. What happened to agree to disagree. Honestly if you see animal abuse, usually some of the first people to call on crackdowns are those who eat meat for many reasons.
· 9 years ago
Really getting tired of vegans and vegetarians pushing their "unnatural, meat is murder" crap down our throats. WE LOVE EATING MEAT AND WE AIN'T STOPPING ANYTIME SOON! DEAL WITH IT, BITCHES.
I get a really bad attitude towards people who shove their beliefs on me, I tend to tell them in no uncertain and sometimes vulgar terms to stop talking or I walk away. Frankly I tried a vegetarian diet when I first started farming (ended up treating my first cow as a pet) but I couldn't get anywhere near the amount of energy I needed for the day from fruits and vegetables alone. Besides humans are omnivores we require both meat and vegetables/fruits to be healthy, the only way vegetarian/vegan diets work is by taking supplements which usually have ingredients derived from meats anyhow!
Yeah and cartilage and gelatin. I don't eat brain but I do make bone broth pretty regularly. Good source of calcium and phosphorus and other trace minerals. It's good for bone health.
I chose to be vegetarian but not because of the animal abuse but because of the over- production of meat. I fully agree that humans are made to eat meat and that there's nothing wrong with killing animals to eat it but as a society we've come to over eat meat and it's getting bad for the environment and our health (because of all the other stuff companies put in meat these days). Meat is still better to eat than not eat but not as often as we averagely do.
People put things in the vegetables you eat. Also, the amount of farming it takes to produce enough vegetation for you is causing worse effects to our atmosphere than if you were to eat an omnivorous diet. If you're truly concerned, attempt to raise your own crops and animals.
Still though, if humanity is constantly evolving and improving, why do we want to keep some of our own aspects that are primitive? Especially when we have a choice unlike they did?
Because the human body needs stuff that comes from meat. Remember that story about the vegan mom who breastfed her child and killed it by malnutrition? Her breast milk lacked some important stuff that she would have been able to give had she eaten meat.
I'm drawing the line for my tolerance of asshole guests here.
What. The FUCK did vegans, homosexuals, and black people ever do to you for you to hate them? Vegan is a choice, yes (or maybe they just don't have access to things or they literally cannot eat it), but they should not die for it. Why kind of dumb fuck are you?
And 'abominating fags and niggers'? First off, what's gotten you so pissy about that? And second, you think we chose to be this way? We were born this way, whether we like it or not. We don't choose to be homosexual or black. We don't choose to be anything. That's just the way we are made.
So how in the flying duck nuts are you to say that we should die for something we can't choose for ourselves to be?
You should be ashamed of yourself.
The guest seems to have swallowed his vocal cords wherein they roughly passed through his digestive system; down the esophagus, into the stomach, through the intestines. But the guest's vocal cords seem to have gotten stuck in his anus.
And now he's talking out of his ass.
I only thought she was eating human guts!
Good point guest
Unless you buy from local farmers. They tend to be pretty good about these things.
I'm drawing the line for my tolerance of asshole guests here.
What. The FUCK did vegans, homosexuals, and black people ever do to you for you to hate them? Vegan is a choice, yes (or maybe they just don't have access to things or they literally cannot eat it), but they should not die for it. Why kind of dumb fuck are you?
And 'abominating fags and niggers'? First off, what's gotten you so pissy about that? And second, you think we chose to be this way? We were born this way, whether we like it or not. We don't choose to be homosexual or black. We don't choose to be anything. That's just the way we are made.
So how in the flying duck nuts are you to say that we should die for something we can't choose for ourselves to be?
You should be ashamed of yourself.
And now he's talking out of his ass.