Like when I and others, stand up for Godly values. Everyone hates it, but we're always right, being ambassadors of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. :)
When you're feeding the poor, dining with the prostitutes, welcoming the homeless drug addicts into your home, and doing the many other things that Jesus commands instead of demanding that people who don't know Jesus perfectly obey him too, then you represent God. But right now you're more a Pharisee than anything. A white washed tomb. If you read what Jesus said and did, he only condemned the people who preached righteousness and demanded perfection of others when they couldn't even do it themselves. I've scrolled through your comments and not one of them represents the love of Jesus Christ. So with all due respect, shut the fuck up.
You speak of misinformation and improper context. I too, am a sinner, just like you. And "with all due respect", and then you insult me with your language? How ironic.
This was a wreck from the very start. Can we start over?
· 9 years ago
May I ask you, Mr.C3ll07, to stop forcing your religion as "the right way"? What about the people under different religions of our community? I mean honestly sire you are shunning them and saying God is the only way.
Ok, one, you have to be more open minded. I understand you're trying to help others, but not everyone has the same beliefs. You said you're always right, but then again, you can't really. Besides the bible saying things which both are said to be extremely sinful nowadays and also saying things that are proven impossible, there is also the fact that there are religions with just as much evidence and support for their claims, yet you are saying that yours is the only correct one. And while I don't think the language was used appropriately, by that she means nothing towards you. She just wants to hammer her point home. I, on the other hand, just want you to be more open minded, if that's okay. Just be a bit more accepting of other's beliefs, and don't say your way is the only right way. It may be, but we don't know for sure, and by saying that your trampling on the beliefs of others. Thank you for your time.