Did you know that PhotoShop is used for still images instead of videos? Did you think this was supposed to be real? Did you try fUCKING KILLING YOURSELF?! What an idiot.
"Oh no they called me a poopy-head! Where is the bleach mom?"
· 9 years ago
You realize you're proving my point, right? You're being a complete asshole over serious problems, and your "example" is nowhere near accurate. So, why don't you go ahead and fuck off.
Maybe suicide in adults can be considered suicide, but honestly why the fuck would kids do it. Also the fact that she just puts it out there just reeks of attention whore.
· 9 years ago
Okay, the fact that someone says it so easily publically is a bit off, I won't argue about that, but I think that instead of calling kids weak and idiotic for doing it, you should actually realize that there are problems that we have to try to deal with which sometimes pile up and get too hard to deal with.