It's a symbol of peace in pretty much every culture and then SOMEBODY *looks at Hitler accusingly* had to ruin it
· 9 years ago
He used it because of how powerful the symbol is,you look at it and you're like 'dayum'. His use of the symbol was actually supposed to be what it meant, peace, strength and growth. People have this idea that he was a racist, which he actually wasn't, he was just pro-German, he was devoted to his own, and he wanted his own to grow strong and be the best they could be, he wanted that for all races, whether you were black, white, asian or a purple dinosaur race from Mars,. The racism thing came from his hate for Judaism, because in 1910 a civil war in Germany broke out incited by the Jewish population, which tore the country apart, it was to try turn the country into a communist state, National Socialism was a reaction to communism in Europe. And that's why he tried to have all the Jewish people taken out of Germany. He thought they were a danger to his people, the same way America felt the Japanese were to the rest of America... The more you know! =]
He at least didn't believe he was racist. But the whole thing about racial purity and all that, that was racist. He also hated communists, homosexuals, the Sinti and Roma (or gypsies), anyone who had differing ideas on religion (particularly Jehova's Witnesses), the disabled, and even the Polish. There were about 5 million non-Jewish victims in the Holocaust. He also had the very few blacks that were unlucky enough to be in Germany sterilized. He thought what he was doing was for the good of the country, but what he did was also really racist and a whole lot of other things.
There have been dozens upon dozens of holocausts throughout history, you can look to Stalins' holocaust, the many holocausts at the hands of the English (against the Irish, Native Australians, Native Americans etc), the Kumar Rouge genocide etc
The holocaust was by far the most deadly genocide, though, with an estimated 5 million to 11 million deaths opposed to the still incredibly tragic Armenian genocide with a death toll estimated between half a million and 1.5 million. We, as humans had never seen racial purging and mass murder on that scale before the holocaust, and were so horrified and shocked by the atrocities committed we had to give that type of mass racially motivated killing a name: genocide.
· 9 years ago
Chairman Mao killed up to 45 million. So that was the worst. Asian lives matter.
I apologize: I was basing my statistics off of a Wikipedia listing for the deadliest genocides (always a stupid thing to do, I realize). It's an insult that such a deadly event is not included on that list.
Maybe this post is promoting society to remove the stigma we have with the swastika as a religious and cultural symbol rather than just hating on all forms of it die to the fact one form of it was used by the Nazi party
The Tibet one is also a commonly used Hindu one. The one shown as the Hindu one is extremely rare. And the one shown as the Tibet one is something I've never seen living in Tibet for the past few years, I have seen it commonly in India