Well that being said, not every guy friend zoned is looking to fuck, some guys are looking to be the one to care for you on your darkest days, to be their to catch your tears, to be the one who get to celebrate with you on the happiest occasions, some guys just want to be the one for you
can't be that much different than being dumped by someone you love. move on. it happens. welcome to life. try not to look at his(her) facebook too much and see the girls (guys) that somehow deserved his(her) love. eventually that feeling that someone is inside your chest smashing your heart will fade.
That's all well and good, except being dumped gives you a definite moment to do that. At what point do you decide that you can no longer be friends with the person who friend zoned you? At what point do you cut ties to try to move on? And up until that point, what do you do? Up until you decide to drop one of your best friends for good, you're stuck in a terrible place of being in love with someone who doesn't love you back. It sucks. And what makes it even worse is when stupid girls treat you like you're some kind of sick monster because you fell in love with your friend.
the moment you make a move and are shot down. its still the same shit. you can still be friends if you can handle it, but odds are you cannot, we are all just human. lingering on is just the same as checking those facebook updates. even when i manage to stay friends with exes, theres a period in themiddle of absence. you CAN go back and be friends again later if you recover, but the wise person pulls away and recovers.
A guy complaining about being in the friendzone is usually not a guy who is just looking to fuck. And it's incredibly insensitive and sexist to assume he is. Girls complain all the time about unrequited love, but when a guy does it, they get all angry that the guy isn't happy just being friends. The hypocrisy pisses me off.
The way I see it, the ones who complain the most and the loudest are usually those who just wanted a physical relationship, if you can even call it a relationship. If he/she really liked/loved you, they would respect the fact that you don't have feelings for them rather than go on telling the world how 'unfair' and 'cruel' you are.
Speaking as someone who's friendzoned and has been friendzoned by other people.
As a guy I can honestly say at least in personal experiences the stereotype of guy just want to get in a woman's pants exist for a very good reason however for people who could care less about having sex and just want someone to spend the rest of there days with a almost super best friend that you want to spend as many of your waking minutes with because for some odd reason you feel complete being around them its absolutely infuriating for women to jump to that stereotype or to friend zone you and then date someone whose similar to you and ask you for advice on dealing with them. (personal experience)
Speaking as someone who's friendzoned and has been friendzoned by other people.
i think that's really a stupid statement..