Yes, hats off to the police. Those that are doing their jobs correctly are keeping the American public safe and deserve to be applauded, BUT I do have a few complaints:
1. Roughly 5 out of these 6 memes were racist stereotypes.
2. There are cops that are NOT doing their job correctly and that does not get addressed nearly as often as it should.
3. When officers are found to be acting outside the parameters established the law, they are not punished and THAT needs to change.
I'm probably paraphrasing here, but Jon Stewart said something along the lines of "you are allowed to think highly of the police and still want them held to a high level of accountability. The two are not mutually exclusive."
I am so fucking surprised at the amount of people here who think this is okay... I mean for real y'all can't handle when the police, the people who we praise, look up to, train, give weapons to, and trust with our lives abuse that power and people want to rightfully take a stand? 1. What are you saying, people at a rally or whatever to keep police from TAKING INNOCENT PEOPLE'S LIVES are just there because they don't have papers to file? 2. All y'all getting mad that people are angry at the officers because its "a few bad apples" that are killing people like dogs on the street, but when new "bad apples" come to the surface every week they're perpetuating the stereotypes of bad officers too, only we put them in charge of other's lives when they did wrong. 3. People are also rioting because although you technically are justified to kill some people, if you have the power to end somebody's life maybe you could, I dunno FUCKING SHOOT THE GUY IN THE LEGS OR NOT SHOOT HIM 6 TIMES IN THE BACK
And that right there proves you are an idiot with no idea how real life or firearms work. Here's a hint, real life is not a movie. There are no "trick shots" there is no "shoot them in the leg" or "shoot the gun out of their hand." When the police, or ANYONE else, fires a weapon at another living being they are aiming for the center of mass because that is the best way to guarantee a hit, and they will keep firing until the threat is neutralized.
famousone, "Blah, blah, blah."? Are you fucking kidding me? We are talking about people's lives here. We are talking about people who have had their lives taken away. And... your witty response is... "Blah, blah, blah."
felixo77, just because somebody doesn't understand how firearms work, doesn't mean they are an idiot with no idea how real life works. Besides, I wish that ZERO shots would be fired by police when it comes to petty crimes. Everyday policing operates BETTER without guns. Unless there is a serious threat, any discharge is unacceptable.
Also, what the fuck, you think its okay when a grown, off duty police man follows a teenager who is in his own neighborhood getting skittles and eventually kills him because "he was charging at him"? That don't sound retarded to yall? But imma leave it alone. 4. Now y'all would be mad if I said go down to the trailer park and and yell at all the white people who commit 90% of white crimes. And again, these are officers! That's like saying oh these people in the projects are commiting crimes so it must be okay for the people who we train, and look up to, and trust with our lives to kill us. No! 5. Are you fucking serious? So now the people protesting are on welfare and let's be real, most of the people protesting are black so your saying most black people are on welfare...and I bet you're the same kind of person who is "tired of hearing about inequality" when you and everyone who liked this shit are spreading it.
whites get almost an equal amount if not more welfare checks than any other race and because yall's prejudiced little minds can't handle the fact that your excuse of "its not racist if its a fact" is crumbling and exposing your true colors I'll even include some sources in here just for you so y'all won't even have to ask
I literally now keep coming back to this to read the large amount of blundered rage posts; highly entertaining.
Either kitx got more than they bargained for, or is the slickest troll ever.
I'd like to think the later, since it's got over 1k upvotes ;)
Ok, you might get one or two bad policemen, but you get one or two bad people in every job. Police protect us. In Australia our police are always there for us no matter, age, gender, race. They have to put up with a lot of bull, and they continue on with their jobs beautifully. My hat goes of the the police.
Oh yeah, how about the epidemic of aboriginal deaths in police custody? There is a culture of racism and sexism within the police force, yes there are a lot of good officers but there is a lot that needs to be addressed.
While I do agree that many protests are ineffective, and the rioting that we have seen is unacceptable, idiotic, and opportunistic, there is an issue in the American justice system with race. There is an out of proportion amount of non-white people arrested for petty crimes and non-violent drug charges, and racial bias, while unavoidable in humans, can prove to be deadly in this line of work unless the police forces are truly willing to take a step back and evaluate the culture they are creating within the force and their training. Two of the most black and white (pardon the pun) examples that come to mind are the implementation of stop-and-frisk in NY, and the shooting of the unarmed man in the back in Charleston. We all owe so much to policemen, and we should respect them, but never confuse respect with reverence.
Actually, Mike Brown was shot three times in the back according to eye witnesses;
It was actually the cop that came up with that story, which is widely believed to be a lie. And second of all, the reason people are angry at the cops, is because they supposed to protect people, not be another danger to them. Yes there is gang violence, but the police is supposed to protect people, not harm them.
A. Stop watching the news, it's bad for you
B. Going through college taught me that Wikipedia is not a reliable source, as it can be edited by anyone. Who is to know that you didn't write the article yourself? Were you there personally to witness everything?
Find an actual reliable source for your statement, and I may take you seriously, instead of laughing.
ummmmm yeah. the tv news was definitely NOT reporting this side of the story so... and don't expect people to do research for you. It isn't keepsake's job to "find a reliable source" for you. if you want to learn more, do it your fucking self.
No one said asuremissfire wanted to learn more. It is keepsake's job to find a reliable source if they want to make a concrete point.
As for the news. I guarantee you there's at least one caster that mentioned both sides. But regardless of which story or reported, they're never gonna have all the facts and depending on the network, they will spin it whatever way they want.
@keepsake You realize the "eyewitnesses" were proven wrong by three separate autopsies, including one paid for by Browns family" all of which showed he was shot from the front?
Also, many, many eyewitnesses came out in the trial in support of the Officer's version of events, they just kept their identities private, a good idea considering what the town was doing at the time.
Actually you can consider Wikipedia a reliable source, because you can actually check who wrote it and there are sources at the bottom. You can consider Wikipedia a Google of knowledge.
Nope nope nope. I don't trust police officers And I'm white btw. When I was younger one of my friends got in a fight with an officer and wound up with literally 6 officers piled up on top of him. I tried to pull one of the officers off seeing as that was too many cops to restrain a 16 year old boy. They arrested me. My charges said that I had hit the officer with a cast. I did not have a cast. Their all fucking liars.
3. That's like saying all black people are gangbangers. Stop judging an entire fucking group by the actions of a few. All you're doing is perpetuating hate.
Except the fact that most police officers are corrupt and I have reliable inside sources telling me so also my own grandpa used to be NYPD and he would let, if not even help, the mafia get away with ALOT because they were his inside sources to all the crime going down. And to this day there's still a lot of police that do that, so no I don't trust them at all but I do respect them because a lot of the time they are putting their life on the line.
Can I have your grandfather's telephone number, and his police badge number? Cause I'd really like to talk to him about that.
Also, did he tell you the names of these "sources"? I'd like to know more about them.
Lastly, don't post stuff like this. It's the internet, nothing is true, and this has all the signs of typical spam e-mail: Something is too good to be true, so it must be fake.
That's different though. That's a different era where the mafia we're nearly impossible to prove guilty because we didn't even really have DNA evidence, security cams, etc, which is used in this day and age to nail so many offenders. Not to mention the power and influence of the mafia was so wide and powerful and there is hardly any particular group of criminals now that have the same kind of power.
And here we go again, judging all cops, in the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD, by the actions of a few. It's ridiculous. They're are so many crimes where the cops were in the right that no one pays any mind to. Even in America. And considering there's literally over 700,000 cops in the US alone, are you telling me you know each and ever one of them so personally, you know they're every single move that you can actually make the statement 'most police officers are corrupt'?
Ha, no. Didn't think so. I'm calling bullshit.
It's almost like I said "most police officers" and not all police officers hmmm. I mean that usually means "Not all but most of them are" hmm. Wow, I never said all of them like ever in that statment. You're right I don't know every single police officer personally, never said I did, but every police officer I have known has told me that it's a pretty corrupt system. But like I said believe what you want I really don't care if you believe me or not. Bye.
reasons why this post is bullshit
picture no. 1 -- the lady is being ridiculous in this, and so is the police officer. one lady's taxes don't pay for a particular officer's job. a ridiculously small amount of her tax money goes to that cop, but it is also not true that you have to have a job to pay (at least some) taxes.
picture no. 2 -- what is "the stereotype" he could be perpetuating and how does one black person perpetuating a most likely false stereotype make it okay for police to be racist?
picture no. 3 -- what about the times they WEREN'T legally or morally justified? Just once is too much. That being said, I understand that most cops aren't killers, and I don't think it is justified to yell at one particular officer over something like this.
picture no. 4 -- hands up, don't shoot was created because of a multitude of murders by police officers, not solely mike brown. Furthermore, it is not clear whether mike brown had his hands up or not before being shot, (cont)
was not logged in beofre
cont. --- but either way his death was not justified.
picture no. 5 -- black lives matter. period. end of story. the reason this is relevant in a protest situation is because cops disproportionately kill blacks compared to whites. Per million people, black people are killed 4x as much as white people. source:
yes, black people kill a lot more black people than white people do. that is not relevant to the fact that police are far more likely to kill you if you are black than white.
picture no. 6 -- no, once again, one person's taxes do not pay for one person's job. likewise, one person's taxes do not pay for one person's welfare.
Three separate autopsies and actual credible witnesses disagree with you. Why don't you actually trying reading the transcripts from the hearing rather than listening to Al Sharpton and MSNBC.
Actually, you might want to go reading them yourself, sport, instead of relying of Fox news and whatever the Tea Party wants you to think. Two different autopsies fail to agree with the police's version of events (the third one, to no one's surprise, was the police-sided report). Yes, there are good cops out there. Unfortunately, this single cop acted stupidly in a racially-charged town and straight-up murdered him when he was on his knees with his hands in the air.
1. Roughly 5 out of these 6 memes were racist stereotypes.
2. There are cops that are NOT doing their job correctly and that does not get addressed nearly as often as it should.
3. When officers are found to be acting outside the parameters established the law, they are not punished and THAT needs to change.
I'm probably paraphrasing here, but Jon Stewart said something along the lines of "you are allowed to think highly of the police and still want them held to a high level of accountability. The two are not mutually exclusive."
And that right there proves you are an idiot with no idea how real life or firearms work. Here's a hint, real life is not a movie. There are no "trick shots" there is no "shoot them in the leg" or "shoot the gun out of their hand." When the police, or ANYONE else, fires a weapon at another living being they are aiming for the center of mass because that is the best way to guarantee a hit, and they will keep firing until the threat is neutralized.
I've never mentioned welfare.
*readies self for a nuke of cops hate*
Either kitx got more than they bargained for, or is the slickest troll ever.
I'd like to think the later, since it's got over 1k upvotes ;)
It was actually the cop that came up with that story, which is widely believed to be a lie. And second of all, the reason people are angry at the cops, is because they supposed to protect people, not be another danger to them. Yes there is gang violence, but the police is supposed to protect people, not harm them.
B. Going through college taught me that Wikipedia is not a reliable source, as it can be edited by anyone. Who is to know that you didn't write the article yourself? Were you there personally to witness everything?
Find an actual reliable source for your statement, and I may take you seriously, instead of laughing.
As for the news. I guarantee you there's at least one caster that mentioned both sides. But regardless of which story or reported, they're never gonna have all the facts and depending on the network, they will spin it whatever way they want.
Also, many, many eyewitnesses came out in the trial in support of the Officer's version of events, they just kept their identities private, a good idea considering what the town was doing at the time.
2. Don't interfere with an arrest.
Also, did he tell you the names of these "sources"? I'd like to know more about them.
Lastly, don't post stuff like this. It's the internet, nothing is true, and this has all the signs of typical spam e-mail: Something is too good to be true, so it must be fake.
And here we go again, judging all cops, in the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD, by the actions of a few. It's ridiculous. They're are so many crimes where the cops were in the right that no one pays any mind to. Even in America. And considering there's literally over 700,000 cops in the US alone, are you telling me you know each and ever one of them so personally, you know they're every single move that you can actually make the statement 'most police officers are corrupt'?
Ha, no. Didn't think so. I'm calling bullshit.
@kkhaggart: Thank you.
picture no. 1 -- the lady is being ridiculous in this, and so is the police officer. one lady's taxes don't pay for a particular officer's job. a ridiculously small amount of her tax money goes to that cop, but it is also not true that you have to have a job to pay (at least some) taxes.
picture no. 2 -- what is "the stereotype" he could be perpetuating and how does one black person perpetuating a most likely false stereotype make it okay for police to be racist?
picture no. 3 -- what about the times they WEREN'T legally or morally justified? Just once is too much. That being said, I understand that most cops aren't killers, and I don't think it is justified to yell at one particular officer over something like this.
picture no. 4 -- hands up, don't shoot was created because of a multitude of murders by police officers, not solely mike brown. Furthermore, it is not clear whether mike brown had his hands up or not before being shot, (cont)
cont. --- but either way his death was not justified.
picture no. 5 -- black lives matter. period. end of story. the reason this is relevant in a protest situation is because cops disproportionately kill blacks compared to whites. Per million people, black people are killed 4x as much as white people. source:
yes, black people kill a lot more black people than white people do. that is not relevant to the fact that police are far more likely to kill you if you are black than white.
picture no. 6 -- no, once again, one person's taxes do not pay for one person's job. likewise, one person's taxes do not pay for one person's welfare.
It's amazing how many people willingly perpetrate these lies.