My dad works to create SkyNet. He is really really into artificial intelligence and created his own programming language. Also made some of the first learning programs. You could see in graphs how the robots learned more and more over short time.
How do you know? #stopskynet #assasinatenirvanafyresdad
· 9 years ago
Because it has already started. It won't be a war, it will only be humans becoming more and more dependent on technology. The humans will be dumbed down because they don't need to be smart because they have a machine to be smart for them while the machines are smarter. It might not even be humanoid forms with incredible AI. Either way, you cannot stop it. The vast majority are unaware that it has already begun. Killing my father will only get you killed. Also, good luck. 14 years in the Air Force made him one buff mofo.
It might not hurt, it's just the the only jobs will be programmers while everybody else becomes obsolete until the machines can start programming themselves. It will not be painful, it will be slow.
Oh cool somebody downvoted all my comments for telling you what I could easily have kept hidden. Aight then. And yeah a shelter won't do shit, don't waste your time
This is how the world ends..