I have deliberately walked away from large groups of guys, because of this., not to mention the guys who try to hit on me while riding the bus.
Why the hell do some guys think this is acceptable/attractive behavior?!
Based on what you're saying, rape happens only because boys aren't told not to rape. Under that same idea if we didn't tell a boy not to murder someone then they'd go out and commit murder, right? The psychology behind rape is much more than this black and white bullshit everyone thinks it is. Someone who rapes is similar to someone who murders in the sense that they don't have the same moral compass as the majority of people.
We talked about this in my English class (because it’s 20 girls and 2 guys) and it turns out neither them nor any other guys that teacher had knew that girls were so afraid of random men. And they also said they’ve never been scared of females in the same respect. It’s interesting how guys don’t realize that they can be very intimidating when they’re not trying to be. A good example is a 6’ man running at me full speed to tell me he’s seen me walking my dog and wanted to say that my dog is handsome and we are beautiful together but didn’t realize he sounded like a stalker. Or an older man parked outside of my house complimenting my legs saying I look like a runner seems like a rapist/murderer (he did this everyday for 3weeks)
Why the hell do some guys think this is acceptable/attractive behavior?!