I'm pretty sure you need to go learn about economics and the real world before you comment something so laughably wrong. Here's some hints.
1. China owns ~7% of the U.S. debt. The U.S. itself owns the vast majority of it.
2. The way that the U.S. debt to foreign nations works is basically a good will gesture. They are saying that they trust our economy.
3. The Chinese economy is dependent on the U.S.
Really america isn't great. I live here. We're racist, homophobic, and egotistical asshole. And for some reason we cling on to religion as tightly as possible, no matter how much science contradicts it. I wish I lived in Europe
So much of that is completely wrong.
All the generalizing and hate, I'm forced to assume that you are from Europe, you just wanna try convince Americans to hate themselves.
· 9 years ago
Where is the user "murica"? he is gonna love this...
If not for America, the Axis Powers probably would have won WWII or it would have lasted much longer. However, some historians are beginning to suspect that America's involvement in WWI played a role in the rise of Hitler. This is because both sides were in a stalemate for the first three years of WWI and were tired of fighting--and then America arrived and dominated, causing the Allied Powers to win and make an extremely harsh peace treaty against Germany. The money Germany owed sent the country into poverty and with an unstable fascist government. If America stayed out of Europe, then WWI would have ended in a stalemate with gentler peace terms
I'm not saying the harsh peace treaty was America's fault. I'm saying that America's involvement caused the win, which indirectly contributed to the harsh peace treaty. Sorry if that wasn't clearly worded
1. China owns ~7% of the U.S. debt. The U.S. itself owns the vast majority of it.
2. The way that the U.S. debt to foreign nations works is basically a good will gesture. They are saying that they trust our economy.
3. The Chinese economy is dependent on the U.S.
All the generalizing and hate, I'm forced to assume that you are from Europe, you just wanna try convince Americans to hate themselves.