When my brother was 4 we took him to feed the ducks he had a slice of bread and a goose walked up to him it was almost as big as him. My brother held the slice of bread in his hand, and the goose nibbled all the bread that was not being touched by my brothers fingers. Then it started to step left to right and looking at my brothers hand like "ummm could you... umm could you move your fingers."
Finally my brother gave the rest of the bread to it. It got so excited it waddled to the water and back again over and over. Then it saw my brother had more bread so they did the whole thing again. I think my brother fed that goose 5 slices of bread and not once did it bite him.
So yeah they got teeth but that goose was the funniest sweetest one I ever seen. Lol
Don't hurt the gooses! There used to be a lot of geese on the playground field at my middle school, they'd be out there from early morning until the first recess group went out. One day some kid threw their lunch box at it or something and broke its wing. So yeah, don't hurt animals. I mean, unless it's trying to kill you . . .
· 9 years ago
Try living in Canada for a while and then call them harmless. Canadian Geese don't fuck around. People have to put up warning signs if the geese hang there a lot. They are vicious
Oh my god yes! Other geese and ducks are fine but my god Canadian geese are devils. I live in the US and we have them here. I once volunteered at a little farm rescue and they had some. We had to run to avoid being attacked by them.
· 9 years ago
I had to call an ambulance once for a a guy (big buff guy too) after a Canadian goose attacked him in a parking lot. He had a ton of cuts and bites bleeding everywhere and he broke his wrist when it knocked him down. Fuckers are ruthless
Finally my brother gave the rest of the bread to it. It got so excited it waddled to the water and back again over and over. Then it saw my brother had more bread so they did the whole thing again. I think my brother fed that goose 5 slices of bread and not once did it bite him.
So yeah they got teeth but that goose was the funniest sweetest one I ever seen. Lol