Don't. I did that once. Then the next year when I went up to get Christmas decorations, there it was. Not judging me. Just waiting patiently. I sat down and cried for a half hour.
Ooh it it childhood confession time?
I still have my baby blankee except its stored away because I don't wanna take it to college in case something happens.
· 9 years ago
My teddy sits neatly on a shelf in my room. But he doesn't face the bed, or I'd have to turn away his innocent eyes when my bf comes over lol
I didn't have a teddy bear I had a blanket. My "Woobie" I had since the day I was born. It was yellow gingham and had on one side dimond patterns of more yellow gingham and white patches with little flower girls made of diffrent scrap material. I love it more than anything I ever owned. When I was young I was covered with it. When I turned 10 it layed under my pillows at night. When I turned 15 it became so tatard and old I placed it in a pillow case and held it at night. I am now 33 and that pillow with the scraps that once was a beautiful quilt sits on my bed. My husband and child know what it is and how precious it is to me. When I die it will be the pillow under my head. Even if it is nothing but rags it will always be with me.
P.s. sorry for long post.
My little girl is 8 and she has a Bob the builder doll she had since she was 6 months old and I can already tell that she loves it just as much as I love my "woobie".
Lol aw thanks I still have it. And sometimes at night I wake up to find my husband has stole it from me and is snuggling it lol he says its not his fault. He says he goes to snuggle with me but it smells like me and accidentally snuggles it instead lmao
Awwwww that's too cute. I still have my most precious plush from my childhood. He's a stuffed seal, his name is seal (I wasn't creative back then).
Way back when I was young I used to have nightmares every night. I mean, EVERY night. It was getting to the point that I was getting afraid of falling asleep. One day my sister bought seal, and I may have kinda sorta definitely begged her for it, which she did (she had way more patience back then than I did lol), and after that day... the nightmares just stopped. Yeah, nothing. Just pure, blissful sleep.
Nowadays I'm in my first year of college and I brought a couple decor/plushes with me, my main 3 being Yarn Yoshi, Darkrai, and a Khezu. But I still have seal sitting on the end of my bed bc he is my most prized possession and I'm never going to throw him out or put him in some dingy old closet.
...The only downside is that thanks to him I have a horrible habit of needing to wrap my arms around something while I sleep. Usually I can just use a pillow, but imagine my horror when I was forced to share a bed with my dad on a trip to boston...
I still have my baby blankee except its stored away because I don't wanna take it to college in case something happens.
P.s. sorry for long post.
Way back when I was young I used to have nightmares every night. I mean, EVERY night. It was getting to the point that I was getting afraid of falling asleep. One day my sister bought seal, and I may have kinda sorta definitely begged her for it, which she did (she had way more patience back then than I did lol), and after that day... the nightmares just stopped. Yeah, nothing. Just pure, blissful sleep.
...The only downside is that thanks to him I have a horrible habit of needing to wrap my arms around something while I sleep. Usually I can just use a pillow, but imagine my horror when I was forced to share a bed with my dad on a trip to boston...