This happens at both ends of the spectrum in my area... My father, a firefighter and paramedic, has been called out many times for situations like this where one or the other is seriously injured.
I don't get why I'm being downvoted, I'm a guy myself. It's the truth, you can't just take your children away.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
In a lot of cases it's just not that simple, that's why so many abused women take their children and run. It's the same case for a man, if she was being abusive enough that he left, the situation was probably too volatile for him to sit and think "I should call the police." The sad truth is, the police can often do very little to keep somebody and their kids safe from an abusive spouse. And to be honest, a lot of women DO take their children during marital spats and withhold contact from the fathers even when there is no abuse, and very rarely suffer any legal consequence. I didn't downvote you, btw, I'm just saying.
Really, as a feminist i personally think that, sometimes, we forget about the "equality". I know that women suffered a lot throughout the years that have passed and we still have work to do, but creating another gap in our society it's not the answer.
*Sorry about grammar, i'm still learning english*
I agree there. This is what I mean when I call myself a feminist - not that I hate men, but that I want equality for both genders. I just wish more people understood that. And btw, your grammar is better than that of many native English speakers.
are you two people seriously saying this is equality? there's the original feminists like Susan B. Anthony who wanted equality (she actually asked to go to jail you know because she knew they were going easy on her) and there's these new feminists who think that equality means pretty much anything (even getting killed in COMPUTER GAMES) counts as rape and free birth control
· 9 years ago
No, I think they were saying that as feminists they believe in equality, not in treating men worse, and were referencing how a lot of out-of-control feminazis hate men and how that isn't equality.
that's not what I read but I could be wrong. just take my comment as agreement then (this isn't sarcasm)
· 9 years ago
Police report...if your SO puts a hand on you file a complaint, it doesn't matter if you're a man being hit by a woman. Document everything. Domestic abuse does not get better, and abusers of both genders can be manipulative and work both the system and the court of popular opinion, and children in the picture make it very hard for the abused party to simply leave. The idea of women being the abusers hasn't worked its way fully into the system yet, so it will be harder for a man to prove still, which is all the more reason to document everything no matter how small. The National Domestic Abuse hotline is also available to men, and is a source for resources to find help, including shelters for men and info on how to try and safely leave. Something like 12% of their calls are men, but the number is likely much higher due to reluctance of men to call. Please reach out if you find yourself in this situation, before it escalates!
I call bullshit. Taking your own children is not kidnapping. It's child concealment. No where close to the same degree of punishment. This is the standard white men are being treated unfairly in our country crap.
feminism is about making this situation never happen for a woman or a man, do not et su ked into the lame argument misogynists like to tote that feminism isnt about helping men to. This is about a lack of understanding, training and policy in police departments regarding domestic abuse.
Well, MAYBE he should have told the police or a lawyer before taking the kids away. A woman would get arrested too, if she just took off with their children. Idiot misogynists.
*Sorry about grammar, i'm still learning english*