it's highlighting the fact that it shouldn't be the woman's responsibility to prevent rape, but the man's to not rape her in the first place, prevention isn't with the victim, it's with the perpetrator
this has a very good point. the best way to prevent people getting raped is to teach everybody not to rape.
osrt of similar to wearing a coat when it's cold outside in contrast to freeze and then eat a bunch of immune-system boosters. prevention is better than trying to stop the thing once it's already happening, right?
oh then let us teach people not to commit murder, don't drink and drive or generally to commit crime! oh wait we do it already so with rape and the fun fact is people still do these kind of actions even when they know it is wrong. so it is also part of the possible victims to prevent rape or any other crime like your analogy with the coat
· 9 years ago
So by that logic I shouldn't lock my car doors and take my valuables with me to lessen the chance of someone breaking into my car?
thank you for that drink and drive point.
how do you propose we solve that one? by prevention = teaching people not to drive drunk because it's wrong and dangerous OR by instructing everybody to simply never leave the house, ever, as they might get hit by a drunk driver?
this is a rethorical question, i know i'm right and i sincerely hope you know you're in the wrong.
Seriously laughed so hard at the first thing, like imagine someone running down the street, blowing a whistle, screaming 'HELP ME! I'M RAPING pls stop me'
What do you mean the guest is a professional tumblr so of course she knows. I bet you think that looking in the direction of a woman isn't rape but it is, because tumblr says so!!1!! Trust me, all men are rapist pigs who only think of sex!!1! Good job, guest, for being the shining beacon of light in these dark times!
· 9 years ago
So we go to fucking jail because you changed your mind? You gave consent and unless you say stop its not rape.
The fact that you guys don't see how absurd and downright idiotic number 10 is just makes me want to throw up. This site has become way too tumblr, so tumblr that you idiots can't even see how outrageous and completely idiotic this stupid tip is. I'm disgusted in you guys.
osrt of similar to wearing a coat when it's cold outside in contrast to freeze and then eat a bunch of immune-system boosters. prevention is better than trying to stop the thing once it's already happening, right?
how do you propose we solve that one? by prevention = teaching people not to drive drunk because it's wrong and dangerous OR by instructing everybody to simply never leave the house, ever, as they might get hit by a drunk driver?
this is a rethorical question, i know i'm right and i sincerely hope you know you're in the wrong.