Catholic church has a 1000+ year history of being extremely corrupt and violent (the crusades anyone). Westboro church has only been around a few decades
I slept through all the action. Pebble, with respect, the church's corruption and violence are a different story. A very high proportion of the greatest scientists were trying to find ways to prove and exalt the Christian god - Newton foremost among them. This idea that the church is anti-science is only 200 years old; before that, if you wanted science it was the church you went to. It's a poorly understood subject, unfortunately. The Vatican accepted the big bang and evolution long ago.
You might be thinking of Galileo, by the way, and his arrest had more to do with the way he treated the pope than it did his science.
Not sure if you are cutting on the Catholics or Republicans there but there was once a time the word progressive was a pejorative. I believe it still is. Progressive means liberal means socialist. The republicans have been leaning ever leftward so I'm happy to hear when anyone is more socialist than them (so far).
Probably because the main stream media are left leaning, so they will always bash the Republicans, making them look ' bad'. They will always over emphasize anything negative about the Republicans, and anything bad about the Democrats will be hushed up and swept under the carpet.
You might be thinking of Galileo, by the way, and his arrest had more to do with the way he treated the pope than it did his science.
Pretty sophisticated understanding of politics and philosophy you've got there